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The truth will set you free.........

It is the in truth, and telling it are two of the most important things we can do as a matter matter the consequences.....and if you have ever been lied to, you know that in that moment of discovery......all you really wanted was the truth.....and in my marriage, in the last few years.......truth was scarce......and when I would discover deception, that is the thing that bothered me so.....that by being lied to, my version of reality was being manipulated somehow.....that by lying because of not wanting the consequence that came with the action, my life was being rewritten, into a story that had no basis in truth it turns out.......and that is the problem with lying to people......well one of them.....there are a of them is the lying is causing the liar to avoid a person's true reaction......and your true strip them of their power in their life, and they begin to live in that lie with you......without their permission......without ever wanting to......and it is a terrible that I am so grateful to be rid of......but it is also our responsibility to not always spare others our truth either.....I don't often say what I want to to him.....there is no point lots of time due to the circumstances....and I often keep it light......centered around our kids.......because that is the way it needs to be......for now.....but every once in awhile an opportunity presents itself.......or a pocket of time and space steps forward......and it seems like the right time to speak the kid's truth as I see it......and in these moments there is freedom and communicating my experience as I am living it and as it pertains to his actions......without cheap shots.....or name calling.......just sticking to the helps me set myself free too some.......Nobody wants to live a lie......or not be able to speak what is on their heart.......from the truest places in them.....nobody.....and yet due to circumstances in our lives we do it all the time.....we do it to spare another our truth......or we do it to not rock the not make things uncomfortable.......because we feel our truth will only serve to make things worse......or more complicated.......or maybe all of it at once.....but the TRUTH is.......if we are not speaking our truth to those around us......whether we want to or not......we are doing them all a disservice.........people deserve to know how we really feel.......what our experience is as it relates to them, or life, or all of it........ and not have it hidden under anything that isn't real.....boldly speaking our truth even if our voice shakes......I truly believe it should be our matter matter what........and despite being an honest open person most of my ability and willingness to speak my truth, no matter what.....has recently come to me through a huge way........and I am not going back.....I am freer now than I have ever been in my life......and the truth most definitely sets us question about it........because in listening and acknowledging our truth......we begin to learn who we really are......and what we really honor in this life.....a most valuable lesson indeed......

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