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The truth about healing.........

I have learned some things about healing in my life......and especially in the last year through this last challenge that came to visit me......I have learned that there is no right way or wrong way to do it......there is no straight line through it.....some days you feel pulled together and almost whole, and then something rears up for you to look at and knocks you back a few steps.......I have learned that human beings have an incredible power in what they do to their fellow human beings.....especially ones that they claim to have loved fiercely.....and that power is to breathe life into them, or to break their hearts......I have learned that time does indeed help us when we heal.....creating space between us and the wound that brought us to the place where we need to heal from in the first place is valuable......I have learned that healing can be a profoundly beautiful and deeply spiritual experience that requires much of us.....and can propel us forward in ways we never dreamed of.........I have learned it can be the catalyst of change needed in a person's life, to bring them to the places where they have always belonged......but most of all I have learned that the only thing that is a willingness to be authentic, each and every step of the be brave enough to stand in the pain, tolerate it without numbing it or running from honor the truth of where you are.....where you are headed and to speak your truth......even if your voice shakes.....most definitely then.....and to not tune into the noise or the they have not walked your specific journey, and they are not you anyway, so what makes sense to your heart is yours and yours alone......I have learned to not question that not second guess the way I show up in my not apology for being true to me every step of the way.......because in my willingness to do that I have sparked healing in others.....what an honor.........I have used my voice to be a voice for others walking down this path......or those that walked down it before......that is a huge responsibility and I am honored to walk with all of those brave and inspiring folks......I have learned it doesn't matter what others think of you so much as it matters what you think of yourself......what decisions you make in your life.....what peace you carry in your heart as you lie your head down each night, knowing you did all you could......and it is enough.....more than enough.......and I have learned that healing is a process that maybe takes place all of our lives.....that there is no single day that arrives carrying the end of it......the day when you are totally healed.......and before that idea made me feel some unease.....but as I type this today I feel totally fine with that reality.....because I know very clearly that if I continue to do the things I am.....every single day.....consistently.........that there will be a day where my wounds will be fully scarred over......that they won't be so tender to the touch......that they won't be so visible.....that they will fade into the tapestry that is my beautiful, blessed and gratitude filled life......and that is enough.....and each and every day I get closer to that inspired and consistent step at a time, day by day:)

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