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The stuff that threatens to drag us under.......

The big stuff that comes to find us is one thing.....a thing to cope armor up or rally your coping skills......but in my opinion it is the smaller things in the day to day that threaten to drag us down in our day to day if we let it, and threaten our vibrational frequency, our mood, our quality of life, all of it.......I literally feel most days these days that I have ran a marathon since the beginning of school starting......and it is mostly in regards to the details that threaten to swallow me up in the day to day.....who is dropping off who?.....who is picking up who?......who has been home sick?........what happens if any one of those delicate pieces get cancelled????????? Then I scramble while trying to work and accomplish what I need to on a regular basis......and it can be so so tiring.....this week so many random things have happened to throw the delicate dance off.......and most of all I am grateful that I have found solutions for it all.....and great people in my life that are willing to help........and ways to make it work......In some cases having a plan b, c, or d, lol:) And for some things that have arisen I am aware I need another plan b or it becomes overwhelming on my hold up all of it......sometimes I imagine myself holding up our entire house, above my head, while the details buzz above my head......and I would be lying if I said it isn't really heavy some days.....that I don't get tired of being the one to figure it all out......on the fly.......I was blessed I suppose with pretty great problem solving skills........always have been able to craft a solution on the fly, and my brain sees solutions before it sees problems......... and gosh it has served me well......and now I use that skill I say all of this........... to say that if we want to live a life we love, and have satisfaction in our day to day, we need to fight to not allow those petty daily things steal our joy.......even when they pile up.....even when they happen often......we need to roll with it.......and hang onto our piece amid the noise and chaos of the day to day......that is what I try so hard to do.....if I have a particularly overstimulating day I meditate at night......last night I did it twice......while the kids were facetiming their dad......I still don't watch much TV, I opt for music or meditation or reading......not sure why that habit hasn't returned from my old life.....but it is all good......the 20 minutes of meditation I give myself after a hard day....takes it all down a notch or two.......settling it down.......taking my nervous system from taxed to relaxed......and it makes a huge difference in how I feel......I am getting really good at meditating now and shutting off the this is your reminder today, don't that the small details of life, which will always be present, drag you under......steal your joy.....any of it......find a go to coping strategy that works every time and use it! Like it is your lifeline......because it is:)

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