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The story of our lives and coaching.......

As I have been practicing coaching and coaching of the the things that draws me in, is the favorite part.......I am not a small talk makes me uncomfortable and bored to talk about the weather or other mundane sorts of things.....I want to know the "real" in a person.....what makes them tick.....what do they like, what don't they like.....what are they afraid of......what was the most profound moment of their life......what are they proud of......ashamed of......all of it.....and as I am coaching more, I am realizing just how much I truly enjoy it, and will love the day when I can do it full time......sort of like stepping into people's life and lane for a small time, and enriching my own life by that is amazing.......I told my therapist that last night and said it must be part of what he enjoys about being a therapist......the stories he gets to live vicariously through.....and he said exactly:) so as I learn more and more stories, I am so struck by the human it is so much the same for all of us.....we often think we are so separate......and that somebody else doesn't understand, or cannot get what we are facing......but that isn't true at all.....we all wrestle the same things, and need help to get out of our own way sometimes.......we all need encouragement from the people we love in our lives.......we all need to be heard and seen......think that is maybe the largest part of see and hear the person you are invite them into a space that validates their journey and the position they currently hold in the that in that space they can quiet the rest and move I try and find a way to get myself moving forward into my business and building it, I am so excited to get to learn more stories.......walk in the richness of people's lives......and help them work toward or achieve whatever they want to.......I suppose I have always been this way......always wanted friends that liked to share their lives as I do......people who are honest, open, all out there......willing to be vulnerable and share their heart......those kinds of people have always been my people.........even as a little kid I enjoyed listening to people's stories......walking in other's lives even way back then......and now all these years later, I am finding a way to do it as an eventual exciting to think of.......I look forward to continue to coach more and more folks, and have them share their rich tapestry of their lives with me........feeling so blessed!

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