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The stories we tell ourselves......

I had such an amazing conversation with some intelligent and inspiring women this weekend about this notion....the notion of the "stories we tell ourselves," about who we are or aren't, and how we buy into those stories, but turns out they may not be true at all.....???? We tell ourselves so many things that we believe to be true about ourselves each and every day and turns out maybe some of them have never really been true at all. The thing about these stories is we put ourselves in cages and don't always challenges those things about ourselves believing them wholeheartedly. Through this process I am learning that so many of the stories I have believed about myself, who I am, what I want out of my life, are just not true......not even a little bit......and in that realization I am finding FREEDOM. FREEDOM to try out new stories, to BELIEVE in new things, to not limit what is possible, to push my own personal boundaries and live in a way that is LIMITLESS for the first time in my entire life. I cannot tell you how intoxicating it is for me to open the door of my cage and step outside of it. TO jump and find my WINGS! TO FEEL and KNOW that there is nothing that is off limits to me......nothing that doesn't fit into MY story.....that if I don't like what is happening, or something I am trying to make fit into my life doesn't work, I have the power to write a new story or rip a page out or whatever I want......we are all not locked into those notions of ourselves we really aren't ......we are able to do things we never thought were possible if we just believe.....and if we just stop saying "I am this way" or "You are this way". " I am this, or I am not this". It is all so limiting. This journey for me in a mere two months has had everything to do with self discovery, and I am learning new things about myself each and everyday and it is perhaps the most POWERFUL time of my life because I am choosing to be open to doing just that. I am not fighting it. Not hiding from it, not putting any limits on my story at all....I am just allowing it to unfold.....inviting in what feels like home to me.....yesterday was such a big day in my journey.....and I showed myself some things I knew were inside of me...but hadn't seen them manifested in action and it was AMAZING! I will continue to do hard things each and everyday and in between those hard things I will embrace the joy in letting go of the OLD and welcoming the NEW!

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