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The spirit of YES!

There is energy and a feeling in saying yes versus saying no......there are two types of people or maybe 3 in the world.....the ones that say yes easily to whatever it is......the ones that want to say no mostly.........and then in between some;-) And having shifted from being more cautious or careful in my yes, to the person I am now feels teenage years were full of yes but then adulthood took over.....and responsibility and life dampened the yes spirit..........and really more of what I mean is that being open to saying yes to whatever opportunities or adventures come feels a lot better than being resistant to things, or afraid of things....and there are things that foster that resistant in us......and help us to not be as free as we would like to be.....I do not like the energy my ex summons in me......or the way I feel in my interactions with him or in response to is an old I have no interest in perpetuating.....and it reminds me........and I remember the resistance I had built in our interactions....and I feel bad some when I think of it ......because I can understand how it was interpreted on his end......and it was so complicated, for the both of us......but my point in that is just to say that there are places we find ourselves that don't allow us to REALLY be who we ex has no idea the woman I am today......not even close....he never met her.....he knows nothing about what she likes or doesn't......what fuels her fire, what makes her smile, or laugh.......and what makes her soul dance.....and he wasn't meant to.....this woman wasn't for him.......and she was always there but she was buried under the weight of the rest.....and there was no way she could be free, free to say yes to things and carpe diem it out:) Too many other burdens in tow..........And what has me thinking of all of this is I am heading on a little trip tomorrow to Sunday.....and the willingness to grab a hold of that opportunity, and spirit of adventure, required a spirit of YES.....not no.....a willingness to grab a hold of love.....and passion.....and experiences in this life that can be found if we look and remain open.....and I suppose also discerning where we use the power of is not given freely to where it depletes ourselves.....just helps foster the living within our I have a list to do a mile long before I can freely set out tomorrow , but the spirit of yes is calling to me......embracing the possibility found in the spirit of yes.....and remaining open and willing in my new life to adventure and explore what comes with an open heart......SO excited:)

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