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The spirit of Halloween.........

I am beat! lol:) Between surviving elementary school yesterday and trick or treating and facing an early faculty meeting, and not sleeping great last night, put a fork in me for real;-) Although I have to say that I saw the spirit of Halloween so clearly yesterday at my school, and last night, and it was so touching......truth be told trick or treating as a grown up is traditionally not my favorite past time;-) ......I don't love crowded places and it gets worse the older I get?? a kid I LOVED trick or treating.....every single bit of it.....and so that is the spirit that guides me when I smile and bring my kids out excitedly to do the things.....because I am also keenly aware of the trick or treating days dwindling as Mads gets older.......and some day she won't want to be trick or treating with her mama, Gabe may want to;-) so I am savoring it all! But I have to say the spirit in town last night shifted my spirit so much about it was such a lovely many happy and joyful faces, donning their best costumes.....and excited kids running from house to house.....and happy and sweet folks with big smiles handing out the candy at each place.....Milford is actually so lovely that gets mobbed with kids from everywhere.....and the candy investment for all the homeowners is a huge undertaking......and they do it with such a spirit and willingness......I thoroughly enjoyed our time out last night, despite being spent after keeping order all day in my classroom amid the excitement and chaos lol;-) No easy task, there should be hazard pay or something;-) but I rallied and was excited for my kids and I was so glad I did.....there is something old fashioned about Halloween that touches me we walked around the town, autumn leaves surrounding us.....the temp reminding me of the Halloweens of my childhood.....and watching felt like it could have been years ago, just as easily as it being present day.....and that was sweet too! Like a little step back into a slower time....My kids had so much fun, and Mads loves having her brother to bring around with her...and he is such a good sport:) Today finds me having an early meeting, and tomorrow Mads has early dismissal, and this weekend they go to their dad's house again to make up time, and it is a busy kinda vibe for the rest of it! I am going to continue to count my blessings, and feel blessed this morning to be touched by some Halloween magic yesterday;-) And have that magic carry me for the rest of this week;-) Enjoy your Wednesday!

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