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The spaces we share........with our people........

I have been thinking about this for awhile......what creates the spaces we share with people.....all the people in our lives have a unique space that we step into, when we are with that makes sense for our relationship with them......and I think that was likely the hardest thing for me at the end of my marriage......I was shoved so far out of our space, a space I shared with him for nearly two decades, and I have spent the last 15 months trying to figure out a new space and what that should look and feel like......and truthfully it is a much smaller space than it should be.....and I don't love the way it feels most of the time.....and maybe it is the most uncomfortable space I currently share in this life......but I still must try and figure out what it should look and feel like and my role in that space......and it may change down the road or maybe not.....but for now I just accept when I need to step into the space......a space that is filled with a million unspoken words......I do my best to bring whatever light I can to that space.......and those unspoken word is the thing that makes that space so uncomfortable.....and maybe that is the key as I type this......maybe the spaces we share with our people, the many different spaces......feel the best when we can be free and open to be ourselves and say what we want to in any given moment......and the moment that that changes it starts to restrict that space or make it feel uncomfortable in ways we no longer enjoy......if we all think of the people in our lives we can think of the spaces we enjoy occupying the most right? The people that make us feel joy, laughter, and love and the others who we have to sorta deal with that maybe don't feel so great, but it is for work or some other necessary purpose........and then we need to think about what people are experiencing from their do they feel when they are around important to remain mindful of casting our vibe around us and welcoming people into our cousin's husband is like if the sun came down and stood in my home it would be him. He has the most amazing smile......lights up his whole being......he is full of joy.......he has the best laugh and being in his space feels amazing........I always enjoy getting to see him and he is consistently that way......and in doing that, the way he does, he is able to get others to do the same........if you watch him talk to people, soon after..... people are grinning from ear to ear too.....and what a beautiful thing to do for people........I am trying to remain mindful of what I summon in my people these days.....wanting to make people feel lovely in my space.....peaceful.....happy.....when they step in to share some time with me, making it an experience that adds value to their lives, not detracts from it......and I am mindful of how I feel in other people's spaces these days too.....and if a space doesn't feel good, and if I don't have to be in it........I just am not going to be........the spaces we share with the people in our lives, absolutely contributes to the quality of our lives....and we should be choosing those spaces wisely......

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