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The power we hold in our own lives........

This week has been a doozy, lots of stuff swirling about that could easily come in and rob me of my peace......the peace I fought so hard for......and I am refusing to allow it to do that.....and this may be the first time in my whole life that I am not going to entertain fear for even a moment......not let it poison my body and get me all jangled for giving it an audience.....I am just not doing it......and I was watching a training on some cool spiritual stuff and it talked about the fact that fear changes our bodies, like actually changes them each and every time we allow it to get in and grip us.......our cells all of it......and isn't that true with most stuff? We really do hold all the our minds and actions in what experience we have here in our lives.....but we often don't realize it......we think stuff is happening to us....instead of taking the time to seek the the purpose of the challenge we are walking through, or better yet understanding it is a building block or a training exercise to move us forward to something that serves our greater good.....I think the first time that was really clear to me was when I had the beginning of that I felt totally overwhelmed and that God was singling me out, and pushing me too far.......and that it was all happening TO me.....and in fact that wasn't was my perception of what was happening that was feeding my the minute I shifted my perception and saw the blessing that was the journey of Gabe my entire experience of it changed......I no longer felt victimized......I felt blessed......such a profound shift.....and every single trial that comes our way can be transmuted.....and it isn't in a toxic positivity way......I don't mean that at all.....I don't mean we should not honor our experiences as they come......feel the feelings.....kick and scream if we need to......but at some point we need to find our way to the place of acceptance and take our experience and change the narrative.......because staying the victim in any story........just doesn't serve us.....and really are we ever a victim? What do we deserve? I am no more deserving than any other human of anything......and I feel that deeply.....which is where my sense of gratitude comes from......a wild sense that everything is such a gift because I don't expect a when gifts come to me they mean so much......the power lies in our the space up there, in our the way we frame what comes to us in this life......and every time we can meet adversity, and anxiety and not give into its is a good day:)

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