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The power of our thoughts.........

I remember years ago watching the movie "The Secret," as a desperate attempt to turn the tide on my life.....I went through a decade or so that was so was one crisis or tragedy after another......and not much room for in finding this that talks about how to attract the life you want.....the power of our thoughts....and how to turn the tide.....I was in......but yet it made little difference and left me feeling frustrated.....confused as to why all these "bad" things were happening to was tough to wade around in those things, on repeat......continuously....without much relief......and if I had known what I had known now then......well the game would have changed......but I didn' my quest for understanding our thoughts, and the energy we pour into the world, and our experience in the world as a result of all of that, is just beginning to come into some clear focus......I am just starting to understand the power our thoughts really hold....I mean I always knew if you were positive and upbeat and steered clear of all things petty and negative, that better things would find you......and over the years I had also found that gratitude and looking at your life as a blessing in every moment, is also a powerful practice, attracting more things for us to be grateful for........but in terms of manifesting a life.....or an experience in this life I wasn't so sure that was truly possible......until now........the things we think about......the things we talk about......our mindset.....the way we feel........they all color our experience, and I think to a larger degree attract those things to us.......for better or for worse.....we need to be careful.......what does your inner voice say to you all day.....that voice that lives in our school we tell our students to be mindful of their "inner coach" and what their coach is telling them about themselves? But as grown ups it is even more powerful......I know my inner voice has gotten much kinder recently.....she used to be so much more critical of me......setting the bar so high, leaving me feel as if I was failing so often......she used to be more fearful.....anxious......worried....overwhelmed......tired....and many times I needed to just numb silly Netflix before bed to unplug my inner voice......give me a rest from it all.....please don't misunderstand.....I still felt I had a beautiful life.....a blessed life.....and I did......for the most part......but I did not know then how to harness the power that lies within our thoughts.......within our essence.....our souls.......and I am just scratching the surface of what can be found there......reading " The Untethered Soul"at the moment...and loving it......and in my evolution in understanding the power we can find in our minds......that manifestation is real........for better or for worse.....and we need to check ourselves.......which is why meditation is so so is the only thing that quiets that voice we can hear......hear ourselves.......leading us to a narrative and thoughts that feel more like us or the us we really want to be........or the us that lies within..........wherever in your life you put focus, whatever lies there is focus and consistent action that pays off in this I am focusing these days on being really intentional about the thoughts I think.....catching myself before I head down a path that doesn't serve me......trying to quiet myself to really hear my soul's desires.......and working on manifesting the life of my dreams each and every day:) I can't wait to continue to watch it unfold! :):)

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