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The Power of NOW.......

I read Eckhart Tolle's book long ago...."The Power of Now".......and was moved by it.....I think I have been on an Odyssey for quite some time now.....that was one of our vocabulary words this week for my 4th graders....and it rings true......I think that book crossed my path when I was deep in the throes of anxiety....which is definitely a story I want to share in my blog some day soon.....that was another deep space of my need of some wisdom to find it.....some enlightenment.....a space that needed to be touched by something bigger than me....and I loved the simple yet profound notion found in that book....that our suffering takes place because we live in the future....or some folks live in the past.....and the only moment worth a thing is the one that is happening now.....THIS moment.....and working to stay present in it all is worthwhile work to do.....and it is so hard now right? We have so much stimulus vying for our attention, pulling at us.....emails, texts, social media, life......just stuff....and most of it doesn't mean a whole lot....but it is hard to stay present amid that pull....and last night I went to get my roots done....and my hair gal is awesome......I love her......and I have been watching her, since her divorce, living her life out loud......seizing adventures.....going places....making bucket list stuff, and crossing it off....being so full of life and so alive........and when I was in my marriage.....I marveled at it.....admired it even....but I didn't really get it.......and now I do completely.....I told the kids that she was going to totally GET our Ice Castle adventure this weekend....and she did, asking if she could hop in the car with us:) Because something in her WOKE up the same way it did in me, in the aftermath of her divorce......realizing that the power we have is in the NOW......the present one......and I don't plan on wasting the power found has been made clear to me that we need to own our lives....make the most of the days, and the time we spend here.....and I don't say that or believe that due to fearing death, or time in that sense.....feeling as if it is running out.......something tells me I will be a little old lady some day....silver haired, and spouting wisdom nobody cares about lol;-) I say that and feel that because life is precious.....and many times we are guilty of wasting it.....or putting stuff off......or......not honoring the gift it is....and I have been so guilty of that along the way....putting stuff of...or feeling like there is so much time.....and while I feel I have arrived at the halfway mark in my Odyssey.....I don't plan on wasting this next half.....not at all....I plan on filling my days and time here with a lot of life.....and the Ice Castles are a way for me to do just that....I saw the ad for it and it spoke to my soul....and seemed like it was meant for us......I told Gabe and Mads we were going to experience some magic this weekend....and I believe we will....and part of it will be the spirit we carry into the experience....and I could have made excuses not to go....there are a bunch of good ones.....but the power is in the NOW.....and seizing the opportunities and inclinations that find me and acting on them.....making a plan and doing it! I want my kids to feel that way when they look back on their lives during this time.....and their childhood with me......I want them to remember all of our adventures....and feel the sense of that.....and feel that I was open to exploring and finding ways to make the small moments special, and the bigger ones too.....and right now my kids believe their mom believes in magic, and I want them to never forget that, and to seek the magic found all around them.....hopefully imparting a sense of aliveness in them, that will stay with them all of their days! The three of us have so much fun together....and I am happy we have adventure friends this weekend to join us too! We leave today, and tomorrow we will explore the Ice Castles and capture all of the magic we can! Happy Friday:) Hope magic touches your weekend too! :)

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