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The people's lives we walk in.....

I love this notion.......yesterday was my student teacher's last day.....she has been with me two days a week this semester and will be returning in the fall to student teach with me....and it has been a wonderful experience for us both.....and she wrote me a beautiful card.....saying really lovely things....and confirming the ways I want to show up in the world.....and the impact I want to have in the lives of those around me.....and it got me thinking about all the stories we walk many right??? I walk in the lives of my boss and co workers......anybody I cross paths with on social media.....the readers of my coaching clients....anybody that reads the book I am working the life of my new friend.....and the list goes on.....and that is an awesome leave an imprint in one's life......and being intentional about that......wanting somebody to hear our name and smile....or feel all the good stuff......I had a meeting last night with a local doctor to do some coaching for her patients alongside her new weight loss clinic.....and work on some wellness coaching stuff......and I am so honored to be a part of it......and we texted after about how much we enjoyed our time together, and she said she adores my energy and she feels inspired anytime we speak....and wow right???..... That is some top tier stuff.....and touched my heart.....I love spending time with her too......and I guess I decided to write about this to really highlight how important it we impact each other......the impressions we leave.....or the long term of my pet peeves are people that come into a room and just wreck the energy......they are in a mood so they will come, like a wrecking ball, and spread that mood to everybody around them....and do so with no care about the fact that they just affected everybody's experience......and I do not mean that if you are feeling something....anger and sadness, or frustration you should pretend not to be or not get it out.....I just mean those super negative heavy folks that can darken a room no matter the circumstance.....and seek to do that often......not realizing that they are walking in all of those stories......and doing so with mud on their boots;-) leaving muddy footprints on everybody's hearts and experience.....I do have a philosophy that we should try and leave people better than we found them when we interact with them.....if we are able.....I take the responsibility of walking in other's lives pretty seriously...and have become super conscious of it.......and I do a bunch of it.....more than I ever have....having my impact expanding each day these days.......and I work hard at keeping my spirit clear and true.....and wanting to impart the good stuff whenever I am able to people around me....and receive the same in return.....I have not always been left with the best imprints made by the people I thought loved me most....and that has taught me so much....and the power in choosing another way.....choosing love, hope, gratitude, faith......light.....and living.....over the darkness and those darn muddy footprints;-)

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