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The path between........

So much of what I have come to understand and the things I now consciously practice in my own life travel along the path that resides between our heads and our heart and understanding of surrender and letting go.......of ego, of all it in the name of peace and happiness, but sometimes my head gets in the way......or my heart......I can realize that people are going to hate and hurt us, and my heart can twinge some and not be quite on board.....I can understand that there are things I need to let go of in my life currently and I know my heart will have its say too......I can understand and really truly get what it is my life is trying to show me......and yet that path that runs between those two spaces never seems to completely vanish......sometimes we need to understand the lesson up top where clarity finds us and sometimes that clarity resonates deep in our hearts and the pit of our stomachs and soul.....and I have come to realize that both is necessary, and so is the path between.......that path helps all the stuff travel to where it is meant to be dealt with.....and I realize that I think too deeply and too much sometimes .....and overthink......I understand that about myself, and have gotten better and worse at different points of my life with it......It is also partially in the category of I need to just accept is a part of head gets its say when it comes to things too.......lots of things take place there that lead me where I need to go and I trust it.....but I suppose that the difference in my new life is that the path has become stronger between my heart and soul and my mind.......and my heart and soul have their say way more than my mind.......and that is huge.......I am happier these days and don't feel so bogged down by my thinking mind due to the fact that I give myself intentional breaks now.....exercise, meditation, time in nature.......good sleep.......a break from the ponderings and musings that live between my ears;-) I am a deep chick, cannot help it......and again don't apologize for it.......I do my best to own my depth these days and not shy away from used to scare me some and make me feel different.......and I would be lying if I said it still doesn't sometimes......but it is a part of me.....and what makes me me........and now in my life I seek to be around deeper folks and attract more people in my life that are like that I can be free to be me and feel understood some in certain endlessly about cool stuff, evolution, growth, what scares them, what excites them, makes them happy......what do they think deeply about?? All of it.......So I have come to understand that path lives in all of us......the one that runs between those two the things that come to find us can travel along and end up where they belong and we can move in our lives accordingly, and my goal in my day to day these days is to move more from my heart and soul. :)

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