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The other side of Covid..........

So I believe with some level of certainty I can say I am on the other side of Covid. There is relief that lives in this space. I still am not totally back to normal but about 85 percent, I will take it! Living through a pandemic may in fact be one of the most intense things we all will ever do. This span of time will likely remain burned in our hearts and minds for the rest of our lives. I have mentioned before about how much space Covid has occupied in my life. Lots of efforts and mindfulness to avoid it. To protect my boy. And I think it was wise. I am grateful that when it came knocking, it was likely the milder strain and our vigilance amid Delta helped to keep us safe from that while it raged through the country. I have read some that perhaps it will keep mutating to a milder and milder strain till it sorta just goes away. Boy that would be nice wouldn't it? :) Just vanish as quickly as it came. I feel like Covid too has represented so much in all of our lives. Our lack of control, our fears, our love of our families, the ability to accept a huge force we cannot change. As I was walking in my personal journey of letting go this year, I was reminded of that in terms of the pandemic as well.......the making peace with the unknown. The sticking to what we feel is right in the face of uncertainty......the clinging to faith in the things we cannot see. The things we have to just hold in our heart and trust with all that we are. I had made a vast shift as it pertained to Covid this last year. Not so much looking over my shoulder for it. Sort of choosing to take a more proactive approach, conceding that perhaps the getting it is inevitable, and what could I do about that? What decisions could I make that made me feel just a little more powerful in such a powerless situation. So I boosted us with vitamins, bought a couple of nebulizers with saline, and some other items that were proven to be helpful, and then I let go........and lived my life more this year than I have since this began. And now as I stand on the other side I need to decide again how my life will shift. Knowing my antibodies may only protect me for a short while, or if I am lucky longer. Which I hope is the case. Knowing I can get it again. Knowing how tricky it can be. Knowing we were so blessed by how gentle and kind it was to us this time. Knowing all of that..........but also knowing we are here to LIVE......we shouldn't get in the habit of not seizing that dress rehearsal.......and truth is waiting on a pandemic to vanish is not a safe bet necessarily......and a waste of our lives to some learning to make peace with it and be creative at living with it needs to be the path. I am however an eternal optimist, and I do believe that come spring we may be sitting in a different spot with it......maybe with some relief. That is my prayer.......and if nothing else I think this pandemic has shed some light on all we take for granted.......and all we have for so long......I know I had.....without even knowing.....the freedom to go to a concert, to walk in a crowd, to spend time with family, to roam about freely. My cousin's wedding was the last huge event I attended before all this took was a super fun night and none of us knew that all that revelry and freedom was about to be stripped from us.......what would we have done had we known? I would have drank and danced till dawn LOL:) The reality is we never know when our freedoms, ones we hold dear, but aren't always grateful for, will be taken. So to that end we need to live each and every day treating our lives like the blessing that it is:)

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