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That other moment......

I wrote about THAT moment, the other day, the one that lights me up.....the light bulb moment in my classroom and now the coaching moment.....that shift where somebody realizes their wisdom is right there, and has been all along.....and they clearly know what THEY need to do....yeah both of those moments drive me.....but there is another is the whisper....that whispers in my heart that I am right where I has found me many times while I am teaching.......a moment that feels so good, so perfect.....and feels like it has come to tell me I am right where I belong.....doing what my soul was put here to do.....becoming who I came here to be.......and it feels so good when it happens.....last night it happened again, alongside coaching....I was messaging with one of my women in my women's series, and she was asking about healing....and telling me some stuff she has tried.....some stuff that has fallen flat for her.....and she said " I am so grateful for your group, because of all the amazing insight that has been given already".....and there it is again......that moment, the one that hits my belly, and lets me know that I am where I am supposed to be.....among these women......learning and growing with them......holding space for them.....their journeys.....their pain.......their stories......because each of their stories matters deeply to really does.....I get it.....and our society is missing a place to hold space for these women......these women that have survived the trauma of betrayal.....and now walk into divorces, carrying the supreme responsibility of single motherhood.......those are my people now.....people I identify with, and understand that I am supposed to continue to work each day to offer some kind of sense and solace too......and out of that moment was born my idea for my women's series.....and gosh who knows where those will take me??? How they will evolve......I know when I created mine, it felt like it came from an inspired place in me.....and the pieces fell like a puzzle......and the execution of it, feels like soul tickling confirmation of that......that same moment that has found me in front of my class.....when we are in it.....having such a good class......and the kids are engaged and I am conveying what I want to well......and then there it is.....magic......soul nudging stuff "you are right where you belong".......and last night I felt the same......and I suppose one day......when I have my lake house retreat......and I am holding space for a group of women.....and I am speaking my truth and standing in front of them......I will feel that other moment again and again.....and that is what matters to me.......alongside being a good and healthy mother to my children......helping them to heal and grow is those other moments I chase as well.....forever chasing the moments that truly matter......every single day.......

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