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The mirage and my Achilles.......

I tend to believe people......take what they are saying at their word.....because most of what I say is true and from my heart......and I assume others operate the same can imagine the trouble that has gotten me into in this life, nevermind the heartache;-) lol:) There is a naive spot in me that I am not sure will ever go away.......a belief in people and their intentions.....and that those intentions are pure and honest and real.........and gosh if I don't wish that were so........the step further is the way I see people......I tend to see people as their best selves......who they could be, or who they almost are, and I see the result of all of that great stuff.......creating a mirage of sorts.......a relationship or a place that just isn't is only real in my one of those viewfinders with the cards.....and looking into those two peepholes.....and then taking the viewfinder down, when the relationship ends, realizing it wasn't at all what it seemed......or what you believed......and I suppose it is my achilles and a superpower......I have touched on it has come up again in the healing work I am doing.....and I think so often of how I viewed my ex husband for the longest time and so wish he could have seen himself through my eyes......seen our life together through those eyes too......and it isn't that I lie to myself I don't is an honest creation based on good faith, and truly seeing the great in people.......I see the magic in is the getting them to see it too I suppose is where the problem lies.......yesterday in class we started a story in class.....and the book was asking us to predict some about the characters, and tell what we wanted to learn more about based on a picture........there was a picture of an older Native American girl and she looked kind of angry and in deep thought in the forefront, and then there was a little one in the back and he looked happy jumping up and down......and one of my pessimistic kiddos said she thought it looked like the girl was annoyed at her little sibling bothering her and being annoying......and I was so amused by that......because I immediately just wondered what that little guy was so happy about, and was so caught up in his happiness, curious about the source of it LOL:) Turns out my pessimist student was correct the story was about sibling rivalry:-) is a new reading series.........but I thought it was case and point and interesting that the world we experience in our day to day, is through our own perspective.....and I never want to kill my achilles.......because I believe seeing the best in people allows their best to step forward, most of the time......unless they are resistant.......and the mirage space you can live in based on your belief in people is not a bad thing......because reality lives in perception anyway......nothing REAL in a true sense right?? I guess I need to pair all of it with wisdom as I continue to travel.......have a partner in that......seeing and creating the best with me......joining me in a magical mirage building space and seeing the best in me like I do in them, on repeat, forever and ever:)

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