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The Matchmaking Interview........

I had mentioned a few blogs back about getting a message from Tawkify, that matchmaker service I had had a date with awhile back....and they screen potential dates for their clients normally via Zoom, and have recently come up with a way to do a prerecorded interview to use instead. So after I did my video yesterday for my business, I decided to do that and try it....because well why not;-)....and it was a cool process.....there were 10 questions......and the question came up, and I got to think of my answer and gather my thoughts and then I hit record, and recorded my answer......and the questions consisted of things like what I like to do when I am not at I handle conflict.....the three top values I look for in somebody......what a typical day looks I like to get the idea:) And one thing that struck me is this new level of confidence I have achieved in my new life......I could have re recorded it as many times as I needed.....but instead I connected to my heart and truth, and said the first things that came to me, and submitted each section without over analyzing any of it......being comfortable with who I am, and wanting to be able to be fully me now, and know the right thing will come my way as a result.....the first couple of questions I would watch my response back before submitting, but as it continued I would just speak my truth and submit...........and my videos and my practicing them weekly on FB, for sure have helped that.....I feel comfortable speaking and expressing myself that way.....but it struck me that it was more than that now.....there is a new level of freedom that has found my life that began after my ex left, but has really taken hold now......and that is being free of other's opinions or thoughts about me fully......I really no longer pay any of it any mind.....I know that not everybody on my social media platforms "gets" me......and I am totally OK with that.....I truly mean that with my whole heart and soul......I know now that as long as I keep showing up as my authentic self, being true to me fully, and being faithful to sharing what comes to me to share......that I cannot go wrong.....and I cannot even explain the liberation that comes in that is so satisfying to know who you are, who you are not, who you will never be again......all of it..... and finally having the confidence to do it all has been magical......the first post I put out there about his leaving was the beginning of that.....and it was met with such beautiful support.....and it was my willingness to move my heartache from the darkness and let it see the light of day that moved me to where I am today.....unaffected by what others think of me.....and willing to stand in my own truth no matter what......and it has been an incredible place to see who it resonates with, and to gain the support I have, and to meet the people I have so far....and most importantly to connect with the women I am meant to help:) this interview felt really faith and trust that completing it, and submitting it, as I am...... will lead me to more of the places I am meant to be! Happy Sunday:)

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