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The Love of MY Life........

That is yet to be determined.....or HE is yet to be determined;-) Before my marriage ended I would have naively placed that title onto my ex husband....believing he was my greatest love to date......but as it all unfolded it became clear he was not the love of my way to wear such an important title, and have what happened happen.....and the truth is I haven't met THAT love YET;-) I am the eternal optimist, and know he is out there....and divine timing is doing its thing.....and maybe it will still take some time, years even....and that part makes me feel two part of me feels impatient sometimes.....ready for some love and romance in my life.....and intimacy.....but another part feels accepting....knowing that it will happen when it does....and not a moment sooner:) I think the other part that is always challenging is the awful reality of dating sites.....they really are awful.....and while I believe in serendipity....and timing....I also believe in putting action into our lives......If you have been reading for awhile you will remember that I had had that friend that had me put my dating profile on the matchmaking service, Tawkify.....and that was the one where I had met the dentist and had a lovely blind date. Well they reached out to me the other day to ask me to do a dating video ahead of time, an interview of sorts, so they could show potential clients....and I am going to do it this weekend....the kids are with their dad, and I will have the time.....and I think it is worth the effort because the men that pay for Tawkify, pay a substantial fee for a real chance at love....compatibility etc.....and are invested in the process both with their time to be screened, and their financial commitment.....not guys that swipe left or right and move onto the next thing....... it was interesting to me that it popped up again when it did, and I will give it a try:) And I am committed to getting out more....I won't meet somebody in my house, although how convenient would that be;-) I have some fun stuff coming up........And the love part of my life has been interesting post my divorce indeed....and the absence of any real dating, or spending time with anybody.....and I always honor its absence, not allowing myself to settle for a cheap fix to fill that....waiting for something authentic, fulfilling, and real to come along and in the meantime happy to be single....and at one point I thought it had found me again.....but it proved to not be it either....and I was talking to a friend about my freedom.....and feeling that way in my single life.....FREE in a way I have never known....and that feeling of true freedom is really is......for me it isn't is peaceful and exhilarating......and I know the longer I am alone, and the more time that goes on, the sharing of it all becomes more challenging.....but I also know I will figure all of out when the time is for now I am going to complete that video for Tawkify....maybe get out some this weekend provided the weather is good.....hang with some friends this weekend.....and keep an open mind and heart.....and just let it ride....I have some other fun ideas up my sleeve that will unfold as this year does related to dating! So stay tuned! And I feel so blessed on any given day to know in my soul, with such clarity that I will GET TO fall in love again in this life .....and that THE love of my life still awaits me, even at 47 years old, and that makes me feel so very blessed and excited for the journey ahead:)

Pilates challenge update- Day 2 completed yesterday! It was arm work from the mat- I opted for 5 pound weights due to today being my arm day for my regular workout. It was a great workout for only 17 min.....went by fast....and what I am loving so far is that the abs stay engaged through so much of it and I can definitely feel it all the next day! Onto day 3 today!

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