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The line we walk......

I have written about my newfound love of astrology and my fascination with it..... and how I truly feel it has opened me up to better understanding people.....and being able to offer up even more understanding, and grace to people as much as I am able, because I now understand even more deeply that we are who we are to a certain point.....made up of distinct parts that contribute to our personalities, our likes, our dislikes, all of it......and I think when we are younger we might wonder about places where we feel we are deficient and lament about it some.....and I have spoken about those things desire to be more organized, naturally, to care about it more, to see it more easily, instead of working so hard at keeping everything in order......(by the way my new car is still spotless;-) that feels like a win! But we have parts of ourselves tugging at one house always looks nice and feels nice.....I love to decorate, but I work really hard at it, and there are parts of my home and my life that get away from me too.....and it is frustrating to me because it just isn't easy for me......and being playful, it occurred to me the other day, and many times before that I am not silly and playful.....Mads is super silly and sometimes I wish I was more like that......I like to joke around and be funny, but it isn't the same as hers.....and guess what both of those things are ok, I am just me......and we are all so different.....and I wish people would begin to garner more acceptance of who people when I hear somebody take somebody's inventory and say if they would only___________ or judge something about them, wondering why they don't just do it, it makes me cringe some......because I feel I understand it better now through so much of what I have journeyed through now.....that the person that isn't doing said thing, is not wrong, and the person wishing they would isn't right......people are just who they are.....and the closer we come to accepting that fact the happier I think we if there is stuff we cannot abide about another, then we also have the right to not deal with that too....and I guess the further part of this that has stepped forward is the evolutionary part......that it isn't as simple as I am this way and you are this way.....I think the beautiful part is that we get to be who we are, with our unique blueprint if you will.....but we also get to work on evolving and stepping outside of ourselves to be more of the things we want to be.....and I love that.....if we are conscious of it all and who we are and who we want to become, I also think our relationships with other people helps to serve as a mirror to our stuff and helps us evolve too......if we know there are parts of ourselves that we don't love.....that we aren't committed to hauling around all of our days.....then we have the opportunity to change evolve past the limitations they place on us.....if we want to....making a conscious choice to do I guess my point is that we walk the line between those least I try to....accepting what is a part of me, deeply.....learning to make peace with it and accept it, love it even......and acknowledging the places in me, and my life that I wish to work on and evolve into.....and I guess my other point is that we all need to be more accepting of one another, and any shortcomings we see popping up.....we can stand firm in our boundaries surrounding them....but I believe we should believe that most folks are doing the best they can in any given moment.....they really are.......and give them the benefit of the doubt more often, and not be so quick to assume the worst......I think it helps.....I have started to try and do that more often.....and it helps.....being human is is messy.....and complex......and deep, and so many other things......and I think the world would be a better place if we all just recognized each other's humanness and offered up some grace....and celebrated one another for the unique wacky wonders we all are:) Happy Wednesday already! That feels kinda good right??? Make it a good one;-)

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