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The light in the dark.......

My journey of the last couple of years has been filled with so much many blessings, and things that have enabled me to endure.....and at times darkness has visited me as well.....and each time that has happened, light shows up, and I have chosen to look toward that light.....not allowing myself to get swallowed up in anger, bitterness, resentment, negativity, or anything that will threaten my peace....and it hasn't always been easy, and I don't always do it perfectly, I am human after all, plagued by that good ole human condition too ;-) ......... but I consciously and consistently ALWAYS seek, and choose the light.....and look for it:) Yesterday some light came to find me, and it was timely and lovely.....I connected with a new coaching client......her walk being similar to mine.....and we did our consult......and the passion I feel in what I do never fades.....I felt just as passionate speaking to her yesterday than I have from the very beginning.....and it is such a gift to my take the darkness I was given on the other side of my divorce, and through the end of my marriage, and be of service to others......assigning a purpose to it all.......and I do not think I will ever tire of it.....each time I connect with one of these women.....these brave and inspiring women, a place in me heals too. We will be working together individually, but I also have another women's series on the horizon.....and I am plugging her into that too....I think the women that are interested will be a great fit for one woman in particular I think will connect with this new woman I am speaking to, in a way that may be powerful for them after we got off the phone I sent her the form I ask clients to fill out, and she responded back that even in the short time we talked it helped her so much and that she now knows that she is not alone.....light.....there it is:) She clearly got what I am trying to do, to have people not feel so all alone in it all......and felt my heart for her and her situation........and I have been feverishly planting seeds for awhile now in my business and in my life......and the harvest has been beginning, and it has been so exciting to see the results of my commitment, faith, and consistency showing up.......the coaching I have been doing through that doctor's office has been wildly fulfilling, fun, and inspiring, and everything in between and I am just so grateful......grateful to have been able to follow the lights that show up in my life.....or been given them at all to light the way.....and seeing the path that has been set for me, and given the strength to walk it......we can decide each day what we feed in our lives....and how we show up....and where we choose to place our focus...and looking for, and choosing light I have found is the best place for my energy......yesterday it occurred to me that at times I have felt I have been traveling within a forest.....and some parts have been breathtaking.....just so beautiful....... and some really dark and scary, and perhaps a little overwhelming......some deeply sad......and some with the sun shining through the trees......but it feels now that I am emerging from that forest, new landscape popping up, right as dawn is doing its thing:)......and it feels magical......I am blessed to love what I do....teaching and coaching, and getting to walk in the lives of others......and it feels as if I am just getting started! Happy Thursday! :) Enjoy the day and that light:)

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