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The Law Of Attraction...........and what I have learned.....

I know, I know.......please don't eye roll;-) I remember years ago watching the movie "The Secret"....and feeling so frustrated that the premise seemed so simple......the presentation so simple to just achieve the life you want......and at that time despite all my best efforts my life was pretty rough indeed......and that was really the last time I examined the notion of manifestation........or conscious attraction of the things I flash forward......and I have spent every morning for the better part of 6 months meditating......I do many meditations that focus heavily on visualizing the life you want.....imagining the components, feeling them......incorporating powerful imagery to achieve that........In my morning meditations as I marinate in my dream life......I have repeatedly imagined a speaking engagement......surrounding my life coaching......inspiring women.......have seen myself doing it over and over......and to now be on the brink of touching that and feeling that in real life......feels humbling and so incredible..........the feeling of attracting what is meant for me every day and feeling the synergistic nature of getting it right............stuff that feels deeply aligned with who I am and where I am going.......the other piece that hit me like a train yesterday, was thinking had I not gotten Covid over the break, I would have wanted to consider this opportunity......but likely wouldn't have taken it.....and talked myself out of it.....that simple yet profound experience, also opened me up for this next opportunity......I have it far from figured out.....please don't misunderstand........and know I have just scratched the surface of how this all works.....I have done some free masterclasses on energy, and manifestation..... and all of this to learn more, it fascinates me.....and as I start to practice it......I am seeing its legitimacy........I was thinking about why this time in my life, it is working so much better for me.....and I really think the most powerful shift......came from my belief......I think that this year that is something I was able to can sit and say I want this in my life, I want that.......this is for me, not that....but if you don't really BELIEVE it......or you don't believe you can have it, then it isn't going to go anywhere......and then a shift happened in my life that occurred, and I started to go after my goals.....activities.......and I began to prove to myself what I was capable of, in a real sense and achieving those belief a seed.......I watered it, nurtured it....loved on it.........and watched my plant flourish.......and as its been growing, it has helped me believe.....believe that nothing is out of my reach.....and any desire I have, as long as it comes from a deep an authentic place......can be mine.......and I am counting on that.......faithfully spending time in prayer and meditation to connect with my purpose and my soul's work here.....I know that sounds extreme and maybe hokey to some.....but I have never felt that something was more true in this life......once I tapped into my true heart's desires and my purpose, which is reaching and helping other people......the cosmic highway opened right up......and the sights and sounds have been so exciting and dazzling in every sense......I am excited to continue to work with the energy of my heart to attract what is meant for me in this life and to manifest a life of my dreams! That is the plan indeed!

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