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The Jungle Book........

It is such a good story......I have also always liked the movie....and the idea to write my blog about it occurred to yesterday's shower;-) seems kinda fitting for me, a metaphor of my journey if you will.....:) Being placed from a very domestic place to finding myself in the a baby in the basket being left out there to fend for myself...and sometimes it is how it feels....that I walk this foreign land....not designed for all of this single life stuff, some of it , but not other parts of it......the dating jungle......being plucked from my domestic dominion and being cast into the one moment.....and I have adapted....mostly.....finding the wilder parts of me.....the parts that can acclimate to my new environment....meeting the other people of the jungle along the way to help me navigate my Baloo:) And taking my lessons along the way......and sometimes, most times....being free in the wild is something I have grown to embrace........most of the time.....and considering how "domesticated" I was at one point in my life it is kinda amazing I have acclimated like I this wild new place I have found myself......but sometimes the Jungle is tough.....there are things I don't understand, and don't fit with my natural inclinations.....and it is a lesson in being the wildest of the places in the jungle.....and all of the norms of it not a part of me......and it is OK, I accept it.....and own who I am and how I am wired....but it is a jungle out there, no question:) And I guess I play with this metaphor to really give a nod to the transformative experience this has been for new life....people see my outer transformation.....feel my personal one if they know me.....but don't really know how truly life changing all of this was for me.....the jungle becoming my teacher.....harsh at times....learning stuff I wish I hadn't had to learn.....but also using the lessons of the jungle to strengthen push stretch me.......and to grow my willingness to learn and grow, and try and rise and meet every challenge that has come my way.....including the latest one.....but I guess the awareness sometimes hits me that this is indeed a jungle, and I sometimes feel like a child wandering in the wild:) And other times I feel like a fierce warrior.....walking with war paint on her face and homemade arrows on her back, balance I guess lol:) I never asked to be cast out into the jungle.....I didn't......but here I adjust I will.....meeting all the characters along the way:)

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