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The impossible feeling stuff.......

I don't even believe in impossibility.....I tell my students all the time the word says I'm possible;-) so I suppose I should take my own advice, and the words of wisdom I have found to pass along;-) yet there is a part of my story that feels impossible due to the challenged communication between my ex and I......and if I had my way, we would just co exist in this space, and do drop off and pick up until we don't have to anymore......saying very little to one another.....but unfortunately that isn't always how it is, and I have to say stuff sometimes that I feel like needs to be addressed, and it is so so challenging.....within the confines of that troubled communication....and I try....really hard to step back, and give any communication I feel I need to....... space to breathe before I do.....choosing my words carefully....and I also try really hard to put myself in his shoes.....and see whatever situation from his is something I started doing long ago in this story to rid myself of anger.....trying to see him as the soul beneath the behavior that was being directed my way....and it has served me well......I don't often feel any anger flares these days, or even hurt that is good considering.....but I do have to be involved in all of it due to my kiddos, and something has arisen that needs me to address it.....and it is where this story feels impossible to me some.....and where I feel weary about it all.....wishing that it didn't have to be so challenging in a real sense....and wondering why it couldn't just roll along a little more I will handle it....delicately....and with respect for everybody involved.....and sometimes I feel as if I get taken advantage of in this story, because I am not a wild person....and I don't make huge deals where there doesn't need to be them....and I give grace and understanding where needed....and I think sometimes if I weren't like that I may not have to deal with some of what I do.....but can only be yourself in any given story, and I will not change who I am to fit this story....I am me.....and I understand stuff, stuff that makes other people angry....and I do my best to put myself in other folk's to that end.....I will do my best to push past the "impossible" stuff and find the possibility that exists within it.....and work toward resolution......every single time.....pushing past the weary, and doing it all for my kid's and what is best for them......Always.....and Amen!

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