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The heartbreaking stuff.....

So this morning finds me calling in sick for Mads......they both came home from their dad's yesterday earlier than planned....not feeling well......I took them to Urgent Care, and they have a that didn't seem too bad, and I was hopeful they would feel well enough for school.....but I was up with Mads a lot in the night.....she spiked a here we are....and I am just floating, going with the tide....not fighting it.....and yesterday was heartbreaking....I picked them up early, Gabe had texted me that he was sick and to come get them...... and they thought Mads should be seen too....and Mads wasn't ready to leave her dad.....and her heart was broken....and watching her say goodbye to him and sob, with her little heart broken.....was heart wrenching.....I am not sure that part will ever get easier......the watching of my children's hearts visibly shattered sometimes, catching that glimpse..........and I know it was excruciating for her dad too.....I could see it.....and it was just, well......tough......she rebounded pretty quickly though....and we had a nice afternoon....and she and I watched "Because of Winn Dixie" last is one of my favorite books, I read it with my 4th graders every year......and I was grateful that I had had my cup filled some before I went to get them.....I had had a lovely morning.....I went to church....and as is the norm the sermon touched my soul.......his message being "Life is a gift and love is the point".........not sure I could agree with one short but powerful sentence is true in every way......and then I met with one of my first women's series gals.....our friendship being special, and random from the start.....and I love her energy and catching up on all of it....we had breakfast at the Waterwheel......and she is always so supportive of me and so wise in her advice......and her sparkly energy was left with me, as well as the sermon I carried in my heart, when I saw my Mads break in her dad's driveway.....and that stuff so deeply.....filling ourselves with as much good, as much light, as much love as we can, to combat those moments......the heartbreaking ones......because you never know when they will hit......or when you will be bearing witness to them.....and tonight I will be winding down the first part of my women's series......the ladies finishing this first phase strong.....and when we touch base again it will be the last Monday in March.....and I cannot wait to hear where they have landed.....I will continue to support them on our page.....and follow their coaching has blessed my life so immensely.......I really love the stories of others....and the human condition.....and I was reminded when I met with my friend for breakfast.....feeling fortunate to have walked with her some in her story.....and stepping back in yesterday morning to catch up on what I have missed......and she sent me the most humbling text about the impact I have made in her life and beyond.....and it is all so powerful......and it is because of what my Pastor IS indeed a gift....and love IS the point! Have a good day!

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