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The free fall and the CHANCE.......

I love the word chance........."the possibility of something happening". Now I suppose it could be the possibility of something we don't want to happen......but in this instance I am thinking of it as the "possibility of something wonderful happening" I often think of the time directly after he left, as the time I spent in free he came up behind me quietly, and shoved me so violently out of a plane........I wasn't prepared........I wasn't ready.......I had no parachute.......and yet he shoved me anyway.......and so in the beginning I was free falling.....watching my old life falling away at such an alarmingly rapid rate..... a rate that took my breath way to catch any of first I tried to grasp pieces and hang on to them.......but I soon realized that was futile and I had to just put my arms out and fall.......and I believe I was screaming the entire way........but then mid free fall I discovered something remarkable.........I discovered that I didn't need that parachute because I had sprouted wings;-) A fact that neither he nor I had bet on;-) least not consciously.......and once I sprouted those wings.........allowing that fall to become a manageable pace......slowing it down some.......softer and more gentle.........I realized that the fall is about the chances we take......the chance to be different, the chance to have a different life.......and since that initial messy free fall, I feel like my life has been a series of moments that I feel as if I am moving through the universe......taking the chances I need, and stepping out to have the life I really want......and tonight is an example of that........tonight I birth my women's series!!!!!!!!! I have worked so hard that I have literally poured my heart and soul into, and now it is time for it to see the light of day.......and it is taking a big chance.......and really has been from the would it be received?? So far pretty well:) would people get it? Yeah they do:) and the final one tonight......will people show up? I have some ladies that have confirmed and some I am waiting on so that remains to be seen;-)......but I guess not really......because this entire thing has been an act of faith.........I am stepping out in faith totally.....not feeling nervous or scared.........just trusting that because it was put on my heart to create this, that it is meant to be, and that there is a purpose for bigger than me........and for me it is proof that this new life, the one that I was shoved into screaming and the one I was meant to live.......a life that feels much more like me........fits calmer....... more peaceful........softer.....easier.......happier.......purpose driven.........inspired.......evolved......all the good tonight is it! The beginning of a journey I am taking with the women that join walk together the next 6 weeks......changing and growing together......and being the great kinda different on the other side........trusting those wings today indeed;-)

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