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The final push......

It seems we are rolling up on spring here soon......I am hopeful.....the mornings are lighter when I leave for work, and it is light longer at the end of my days.....and this part of the year has been challenging for me the last couple of years......the cost of heating my house weighing heavily on me as it has added up at this point of the year.....and it always feels like the final push......the hardest part to juggle financially on my own, and then spring arrives:) And eventually the heat gets turned off and well.......hallelujah! :):)And in my new life I keep my heat on 60 mostly.....we have electric heaters that supplement, and the fireplace, and our bedrooms are plenty warm due to that......but I have most definitely rearranged my life some around that......and I have acclimated, not feeling the difference anymore, and the kids too....they both run so hot normally......especially Mads......and we normally eat dinner and then head upstairs during the week where it is warmer for now.....and it is fine.....and sometimes I wish it weren't a thing......but mostly I am just grateful to be afloat in my new life on my own......making it all work.....some light has appeared at the end of my tunnel, and alongside my coaching income, and the books on the up ahead it all feels so see the potential of relief up ahead......the cost of living being so immense.....and my forever figuring out ways to make it all work....trusting that I will always have what I need.......and trusting what steps forward and the nudges and inclinations that bolster my new life.....I am also grateful for child support and the fact that Madeline's dad splits her tuition with me.......However most days I still wish there were a way for me to downsize my life me some more breathing room......but focusing on that is not a wise use of my energy.....shifting to gratitude that I get to live my dream house of once upon a a better use:) Until I find myself in my next dream house;-) upping those dreams for myself and the kids.....and taking the steps to make it happen......I also have a friend, a client of mine, coming this morning with a friend of look at my kitchen.....and just see what it would take to get a ceiling, and move forward with that project some......and that feels like something too! I have said it before and will again this morning about this NEW most definitely feels like it is moving in a different way.....opening up in so many ways and propelling me closer and faster to the places I am meant to be, and want to be:) And for that I am most grateful and wildly excited to keep chasing my dreams.....and beginning to get to touch them:) Feeling as if my commitment and loyalty to those dreams is beginning to pay off:) Happy Saturday y'all!

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