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The evolution of holidays........

When you were a kid sitting with your family on a holiday, maybe a few grandparents, some aunts and uncles, cousins all of it, you never dreamed it would be any different right? In our family we spent Thanksgiving with my mom's side of the family and Christmas dinner with my dad's side.......and in those moments I never thought it would ever be different......not ever.....and for a long time it was just like that......and then over time it evolved......and I think we believe.......or maybe I do, that things will remain the same forever........I have that deep in my personality and self......traditions, rituals, patterns, speaks to me and resonates in me and I like when I know what to expect........and that predictability and holiday ritual took hold inside of my marriage......we hosted a lot of holidays and I loved is one of my favorite things to do......I love the preparation, setting the table, making people feel cared for and loved, making them feel cozy.........but it hasn't been so much like that since the end of my marriage.....things shifting again.....change taking hold......I hope one day to be hosting holidays again......but for now.......going to my mom's house today suits us just fine......and the truth is I think sometimes we make a bigger deal out of them than they are......and I know I was guilty of that in the past......I guess as comparison and big stuff stepped forward, some stuff that used to feel important, just doesn't anymore......and I don't mean it isn't important to be with your family or celebrating......and I am not all bah humbug;-) I just mean it could take place anywhere long as you are with those people you love......doesn't have to be in a special place with special is just a day, a day to spend with those we love and celebrate tradition.....and for my own kids our traditions are evolving......and shifting......and I work on creating new ones for our new life......because nothing lasts forever.......that is the truth.......and I think when you embrace that notion you can be to enjoy the to enjoy an to enjoy it all......because it may be fleeting.....may look different.......may not be the way it has always been, or how you wanted it to be......not ever today I wish all of you a beautiful day with those that light up your heart......make you feel like a somebody.......those that see you, feel you, and love you.......those that make your spirit smile! Happy Thanksgiving y'all:)

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