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The Dating Game, wanna play??........

This blog has been nudging at me for awhile.....and today I am finally pulling the trigger:) I have mentioned that I am reading this great book about mindset and I am enjoying it so much.....and it reminded me, and got me thinking again, about how important the words we use, and the attitude we bring to a situation are. And well I have made many jokes and written many times about how great I am at dating lol;-) Enter in sarcasm;-).......and it got me thinking I should stop.....stop joking, and saying disparaging things about dating, particularly online dating and shift my narrative some:)......and it has been on my mind for awhile now to open myself up to some blind dating based on the people I know in my life, or those that read my blog.....or anywhere really....having somebody vouch for a fella....know him and suggest we go on a I am open to that if you are reading this and know of such a guy;-) but in shifting my attitude internally the last week or so a friend reached out with a better dating platform she has begun working with....she was the one that hooked me up with Tawkify if you remember way back when, and I met the dentist on our nice blind date:) So she has moved along to a platform that she believes in more deeply....offering better odds to us dating folks....and a much better system........and she reached out the other day to see if I was interested.....and I made a profile and threw my hat in the ring......currently on the non paying dating sid,e but if it makes sense I may take a leap and do the matchmaking thing and see what I see....but as I have said many times.....I trust the timing....particularly the divine timing of my love life:) And I know if I continue to follow intuitive nudges......and make moves that align with what I am feeling, and sensing, and remain open.......then.......what is meant for me will come my way! However one of my goals for this year in addition to professional and personal ones.....was to get out and date more.....pushing myself to do so.......and so that requires some effort.....not just sitting back and waiting for my making this profile.......and being open to a friend dating game of sorts is in line with that:) And I was talking to a friend the other day....she has finally met her person, she is my age....and she said she felt him before she met him. Knowing he was out there........And I know that may sound corny to some folks....but I have felt the my person is out there.....and timing is doing its thing....readying us both for the when.....and in the meantime.....I am doing my thing.....and leaning into my faith in all of it in every way.....the faith I have found now....leading me to true freedom in every maybe you know my person and you don't realize it?? ;-) or maybe I will stumble upon him quite by accident.....or maybe I will meet him by way of my friend's dating platform......or maybe.......that is the exciting part of life! You just never know what is right around the corner and how close a moment is that will change your life:) And there is a deep knowing that I WILL MEET HIM:) Happy Sunday! :)

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