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The dating game.......

I have written before about the flawed system of dating sites, and how it appears it should be so in a barrel right;-) but you can scroll and swipe endlessly, without so much as a person that piques your interest...........and that seems crazy right?!?!....because there are SO many many......and I am watching another season of Married at First Sight....this long week of being homebound, nursing my sick kiddos back to health caused me to watch another season;-) ( Update- they are both better and I was spared and remained healthy, so grateful)!!! I am fascinated by the leap that one would take to marry a stranger.....the desperation in that....but there was an interesting statistic which I think made that less crazy.....the producer of the show said that 40,000 singles in the Chicago area where they were shooting signed up!!!! Now these are young folks, no kids, no divorces under their belt nothing.....and they still find our modern world of dating flawed.......and are so desperate for love and finding it that they would sign up to marry a stranger!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I suppose if I had no hope in divine intervention, and "meant to be" and serendipity, I would certainly feel kinda depressed myself lol:) Not so much so to marry a stranger but you get it lol:) BUT I believe in all those things and I know my guy will find his way......breaking through the odd confines of our new era of modern dating......or maybe he is already here and I just don't know fully yet.......we have a single gal at my work that is young.....24 and she has trouble dating too....and I do not remember it being so hard way back when.....right?? It got me thinking, what was the difference??? Was it the lack of technology? The ability to divert somebody's attention.....finding the next best person with the swipe of their hand?? Is it the lack of social connection.....getting out there....face to is hard to say.....but I sure do miss old fashioned means though......being in the presence of somebody, feeling who they are and going from there. Because online dating is most flawed in the fact that it gives a person very little to go one besides initial physical attraction and a tiny blurb......I will give you an example of why that is so flawed......on the show I am couple got paired up......the bride was beautiful......really, and gorgeous face all of it.....and so sweet.....and she got paired with this tall sorta goofy guy......and her initial reaction was not good....she was not attracted to him at all, and was feeling devastated that she ended up marrying him......BUT he decided to not let himself be poked by that, and he was patient and kind, and super funny and fun, and charming and sweet, and they stayed the course and ended up being crazy about each other......falling madly in love.....and she ended up regretting her first impression thoughts about him based solely on how she thought he looked and now adores him......and he ended up being adorable and she was most definitely wrong.......and our modern world does not allow for that kind of growth when it comes to dating and is knee jerk....either you are or you are not.....and it is sad to me.....I thought maybe in the new year it might be fun to agree to a couple of blind dates from people I know that know somebody....a dating game of sorts ;-) somehow I think that would be a better system.....let some FB friends attempt to play matchmaker for fun and is definitely a part of my new life that I want to explore some, and haven't quite gotten there....and I am in no way forcing it.....I am content to do my thing and live my single life.....trusting it all.......I truly am......I only seek a situation that feels right....not just any old situation......but not getting out much isn't going to help lol:) So maybe a dating game of sorts is on my horizon in 2024, sounds fun right! Stay tuned;-)

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