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The CAGE.......

So my fatigue mystery is solved.....I have been fighting a sinus thing since the beach and the humid vibes found there, and winning at certain points.....but it has taken me over this past week........ and I was lucky enough to get an appointment alongside my kiddo's physicals yesterday before we left, we doctor at the same spot:) and I feel better already with a couple doses under my belt! So will be happy to see sleepy Jenn move along;-) We had a great first night checking out the falls, and some amazing Mexican food......and then I had a fitful night sleep though? lol I drank a little coffee on the road yesterday which may have come back to haunt me;-) but I am not letting it dim my shine today! We have a great day planned! We leave at 9 for a 5 hour tour of some of the cool things here including boarding the Maid of the Mist which I am so excited about:) Then we plan on honoring Buffalo's contribution to the culinary world, and grabbing some wings:) And then maybe taking a nap, and heading to the falls tonight at 10 tonight to see the fireworks and the falls all lit up:) Super excited! And what this made me think of during my ride yesterday is the cages we build around ourselves......and our lives.......mostly made of fear.....and self limiting beliefs.....I used to live much of my life from fear.....moving from that place....and looking back there were lots of things that were feeding my fear, legitimate ones even, but the responsibility was my own.....and fear keeps us keeps our lives small.....and scary......and anxious.....and not available to so much of the magic that is around.....I had a slight flash of fear about this trip a week or so ago.....really bummed my friends couldn't make it, and really doubting myself briefly....and maybe it was because I wasn't feeling well, damn sinuses:) and not realizing I was fighting an infection....but sitting here in the hotel this morning that fear flash was all for not.....because it is all good....and truthfully I don't know what it was that was rattling my cage....I love to drive....long distances my favorite.....I could have driven for a living in another life lol:) there is something super relaxing to me about driving and listening to the music and just settling it wasn't the drive.....I love going on adventures with my kids, do it I guess I am not sure what it was that was poking me....some resistance perhaps.....but I am glad I did not build a cage around myself and bail on this trip.....and prevent myself and my kids from the fun that lies ahead.....I have pushed past SO much fear in my new you don't even know lol;-) and in doing so it has FREED me.....I am not a worry wart anymore....I am not the friend worrying anymore I am the one doing the talking off the ledge:) I don't sweat small circumstances.....and I don't live my life moving in fear....and so many people do right? And I don't fault them at all....not even a little.....because I GET IT.....have been there......and it kept my life a little anxious.....smaller.....more instead.....I now default to my intuition.....trusting what comes and having faith it will all work out.......understanding that the circumstances of this trip lined up perfectly and it was meant for us.....and knowing that what is meant to be will be, and what isn't won't, and it doesn't have to do with me....and I just need to show up and be brave in every moment of my life.....I am typing this watching the sunrise on Niagara feeling so excited I resisted cage building, and decided to fly free:) Can't wait to write about it all tomorrow morning! I spent the first half of my life surrendering to fear in my life at different times of my life.....I don't plan on spending the second half doing that.....not even a little......when it comes I will face it and move on.....defaulting to the calm and wisdom found in faith instead! Enjoy the day y'all:) Open those cage doors if you can, set yourself free:)

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