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The bridge.........

I had a lovely weekend.....doing some of my favorite things and spending time with people that I care about......alongside ticking off the chore list that comes rolling around each weekend;-)....and building my business. I have been so grateful for the response to my shifted perspective, and excited for the opportunity to help others in many ways....I was in church friend and her daughter joining us which was lovely:) And every sermon seems to speak to me....but yesterday's did deeply as I walk the path I am on these days....and figuring out how to make some of the areas in my experience better......and he talked about a bridge metaphorically and physically.....the youth had gone on a retreat....and they were standing on this cool bridge in a picture that he showed.....and he started to ask the question, what bridges do we need to build to get to the places we want to be or the places that we are called to be......and it was such a simple notion but a powerful one.....are we building bridges of hope?......of faith?......or compassion?......or.........fill in that blank as you will? as I sat and pondered all of that, it resonated deeply......I am working feverishly in this stage of my life on bridge building.....and I cannot lose sight of that.....amid just trying to survive in the day to the lower level places of survival......those are important things too.....don't misunderstand.....but my plans are more than that....I am not planning on simply surviving in this chapter......I worked too hard to resign myself to that......and I promised myself that when I woke up after all this happened....and really began living again.....that I wouldn't go back to falling asleep at the wheel amid the heaviness that finds us all......and the bridge building sermon ignited that spark....a timely reminder and stoking the fire that lives inside of me these days for my passion and my mission......and doing so requires me to STAY AWAKE.....and don't life's details threaten to lull us to sleep....or complacency.....putting one foot in front of the other...but not really LIVING? requires remaining conscious to stay awake......and for me the message was timely......there is much energy in my business and in my soul at the moment....and I plan on focusing on that......not letting the details of the day to day bog me down......everything always does and will work out.....and I trust that....and will continue to do so, building all the bridges I need to, to get to the places I am meant to be:) What bridges are you building???:)

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