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The best policy indeed.......

I have experienced my fair share of deception and deceit along the way....and I always marvel at it....because I am not a liar......I mean as a teenager I may or may not have told a few lol;-) but that is a little different.....but I try hard to have my life be transparent....and in this chapter even more so.....I don't want anything or anybody in my life that does not allow for me to be deeply authentic and truthfully me......and I only want people that allow me to be honest and direct....and can stand in that space with me.....and it has occurred to me as of late how often I have been fooled by the rhetoric of others.....even though I feel my instincts are pretty good.....I still have been subject to others deceptive ways.....and to my credit they went out of their way to be deeply deceptive and try and fool me.....and I guess I write about it today to wonder about the effort it requires to be "falsely yourself".......instead of owning who you are for how much energy, and time, and effort, it requires to keep up a rouse....when you could just be honest....honest to the people in your life......honest with truly is the best policy....I have to say I am so tired of people not being who they say they is an old story, and one that makes me weary....and I am so encouraged that my new friend is....but there is room left in me to proceed with caution....continuing to watch actions lining up....and not just paying attention to words....and maybe as I type this that is the thing that strikes me and bothers me about some people.....I am so intentional with language, and what I say being in line with what I mean.....that it blows my mind completely.....that other people don't live by that.....willing to spin tales for their own purposes......and in those places you need to just walk away.......there is nothing there for you with another person if they cannot be honest.....with themselves or you.....and I have learned that the hard way for sure.....and now I trust the part of me that senses that BS meter is more sharpened and honed.....I feel energy.....and energy doesn't a person FEELS.....and how you feel around them.....tells you much of what you need to know.....but really ultimately.....and no matter what none of that really matters.....because I also deeply believe that the people we are supposed to have in our lives are impossible to avoid.....or skip, or any of it:) just like one glorious play.....people entering stage left and exiting stage right.....right on time....on cue.....and we can do our best to gain the wisdom and lessons we can from each of the people that we spend our time with on the stage of life....and know when to hold on....and when to let go......

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