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THAT Readiness........

I had a pretty interesting shift find me yesterday.....there was a girl at work that wanted to do some coaching with me, wanted me to help her start an exercise program in the New Year.....and we had spoken by phone over break to make a plan....but really in our one conversation she figured out what she wanted to start doing, and is off to the races....and I don't feel like she needs coaching....just the support of a friend, so that is what I will be:) But she talked about being READY to finally reach out to had been on her mind for months, but she wasn't ready yet....and now she is.......and it all of a sudden it hit me.....all of life is about that readiness.....when we have young children.....we fret and worry about when they will potty train....or when they will talk....or walk.....or fill in the blank.....and while we should definitely have been mindful of those is also largely to do with their readiness.....and we need not get so caught up in all of that.......I now sorta think and believe that we cannot really reach any destination.....or habit.....or any conclusion......or anything until we are ready.....we just cannot....I feel that way about dating.....I was not ready to until now......I wanted to be....but my readiness just hadn't arrived.....and I am glad I waited till it did......not rushing myself into something that I wasn't ready to navigate......and maybe that is what struck me the idea of our collective readiness, and being more aware of my it applies to situations in my life.....and I also realized that I love the people in my life that get this concept.....that let people ride their journey, and hold space for them, and love them....people that don't show up with harsh opinions, or judgements about it all.....just letting their people do them.....and live their journey, and live their lives on their own terms.....just showing up with a suitcase full of support......I pray everybody reading this has people like this in their own lives.....people they can tell their truth to, and not censor it, or water it down.....or be afraid that that person won't understand....I am blessed to have a few folks like that in my life and I treasure them........and I truly try to be that person to my people.....hoping they feel safe to say whatever they need to....share what is on their heart....share their struggle with not being ready....yet......and feel like I hear them and see them in that......and it is such a simple concept really....the idea of being ready....but it is powerful......and sometimes readiness arrives quietly, and you are not quite sure where it comes from.....or how it got here....but then there it is:)

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