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Sweet and honest clarity........

Yesterday during the podcast there were moments of such clarity in my she asked the I shared my story.....talking and listening......all of it.....and looking back and looking ahead all at once, and it was such an amazing and powerful experience.....I fell in love with it instantly....the connection across the screen between myself and another human, the goal being one of sharing my story for the greater good! Given room to do so.......Casting it out there the hopes that it reaches its intended audience......and it really got my creative juices ignited again....making me realize some of what I need to do in the new year.....what it will take to achieve what I want to.....and one of those things is going ALL more playing small.....going even bigger and upping my commitment to the things I want......and the things I feel led to achieve......more intention......more consistency.....more clarity.......and clarity visited a second time later in the day yesterday......coming bearing its clear headed self......and it was much needed again.....helping me know with 100 percent certainty what I need to do......and it got me to thinking about clarity.....something that has visited me so many times over the last two years.....maybe more so than any other season in my life......just visiting me over and over.....and the cool thing about it, is it is never the same we never know when it will show it will show up.....what vehicle it will show up in......what it will say to us......if the clarity will stay long enough to become a part of us......or will leave us again......leaving us back in the confusion it came to clear up.......and sometimes I suppose it needs to arrive multiple times for us to really hear its message.......showing us the truth of us the responsibility of holding onto that truth, and not let it slip away......and clarity always feels like relief to matter what it comes to say......I am normally a clear headed human, and if something causes me confusion or ambivalent feelings I struggle with that......and luckily not too much does these days......but when clarity arrives, I always welcome it......I have also had to find myself wondering if what I think is clarity sometimes or indeed true.....telling me the truth of a situation.....but normally it is when I gut check I welcomed it yesterday in so many places in my life......helping me get really clear about this new year....where I am headed......and the promise and work it holds for me.....and that the only limits in this new year are self the last two years I have shed so many things.......blasted through so many barriers.....SO many self limiting beliefs......still much to do, to do that some more......but.......I am up for for it even;-) ready to crush and walk past anything that is holding me back, keeping me from what it is my heart and soul yearns more playing more half more.......the only way this will happen for me is if I use the consistency I have in other parts of my life, and use the same to chase those dreams.....and I am and I WILL......2023 I am coming for you;-) I did the work on the front end, walked a million miles in these last two years to make a way for myself and my children..... and now it is time to apply it all and reap some of the harvest I have patiently planted;-) I am SO ready! :)

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