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Surviving Mars......

Mars recently rolled into our lives and depending on where in your chart it landed you may be feeling some unexpected conflict in your if you are feeling some of that aggressive energy you are not imaginging it;-) I know I have been for sure.....from unexpected my plan has been to attempt to resolve it all the best I can, and then just leave it......let it alone and see where it lands.....and use the energy that is afoot to alchemize it into productivity......and while I am not perfect by any means, and certainly make mistakes along the will never be less shocking to me when people switch lanes on you and come at you in ways that well.....are just surprising and disheartening....I have for sure learned in this chapter that there are no absolutes......that nothing is a given even relationships in our lives we feel are.....and that the people around us and in our lives are subject to their own seasons of change and growth, and sometimes that growth grows with us, and sometimes well it doesn't....and I feel like the strife I am feeling has been coming from a few different places and it is perplexing me some......but I am stepping back and giving it room to breathe and resolve if that is what is meant to be, or accepting that maybe some of it won't......I do not enjoy conflict....never have....and I am guessing never will.....I do my best to live my life in a way that keeps conflict out of it if I can.....but conflict is inevitable......and this Mars transit is a POTENT one, particularly in my own chart so way to avoid it.....but transmuting it.....well yeah.....always have that power.....this past week has found me wanting to lash out rage and get mad....and stomp my feet in the injustice I am feeling in a lot of directions.....however I am choosing not to do that.....there is never any good that comes from feels good in the moment.....but the peace if takes from us and the futility that is found in wasting it on deaf not worth it.....and it leads me always to this.....I will never give up.....never....on building my tribe of people, they have already been finding me:) And never giving up on the goodness in people and finding those people......And I will never give up on the idea that MY person is out there.....waiting......willing to offer the things I want and need in this chapter.....and that all of it will always work out......always.....and the only thing I need do is remain true to myself....move with good intentions.....and do my best to love on my people......and remain committed to this life I have created with my new needs and boundaries in tow.......and trust that what is meant to stay will....and what isn't will fall away.......and as these transits come and go, some feeling so good and some feeling well.....awful.....all of the rest will shake out on the other side, and all for the greater good! Yesterday was a wildly productive day to channel all that heavy Mars energy.....and I plan on doing the same today!

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