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Surrender and survive.........

So winning the contest was not to be....and the truth is I didn't miss a beat.....when I saw the results there was a pang of disappointment, and then it disappeared......and on I go......I am learning to truly attach to the journey not the takes the torture out of most of it......not worrying about what will, or won't happen, but trusting what will......and I have written often about surrender.....and I was reminded yesterday again......that surrender often comes with a negative a weakness.......when in fact to surrender is one of the strongest things a person can do......I truly believe that......because when we fight what is.....we give ourselves a false sense of power.....holding ourselves up......feeling like we are actually doing SOMETHING.......when in fact we are doing NOTHING........nothing at all except for admiring our problem, stroking it strength........bringing on misery that just doesn't need to be there.......there are a lot of situations piling up these days.....big ones and small ones......complicated ones and simple ones.....and I have to keep reminding myself to let go and surrender in it all......that that is where my power the letting go......I think as humans we think we need to do, to figure out, to orchestrate, to outthink, to just DO so much of so much and sometimes all of that DOING is just futile.......just futile.......because the truth is things have a way of working themselves a giant symphony or orchestra.......playing its music......and bringing to us what we need, when we need it, in divine timing.......if we just relax and lay back......there have been some things coming up that just feel so so unjust in so many ways......and alongside holding on.......focusing on fair is a total waste of time......I am aware.......and have been on as it comes up......and I feel the emotion of injustice arise.......I lean into it.....breathe into it.......acknowledge it and then let IT just isn't fair.......and as I have said many times what is fair???? like really? None of us are entitled to anything.....and we often get unexpected blessings and gifts that blow the notion of fair clean out the water;-) So I am reminding myself as much as I am anybody reading......that surrender is strong......not weak......and allowing something to just be is more than fact most times it is the best thing we can do on any given day.....shifting our focus and energy into stuff that matters......building, maintaining, and creating a life we are crazy about......while laying back into the rest.......on repeat.......:) Have a great Saturday:)

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