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Surrender has been the topic of many a blog as I have walked this journey....and yesterday it was the topic of my video......there have been some things going on in my life that need to be surrendered to.....and accepted.....and it is not always easy to do that......and I suppose the other piece that I wanted to explore today is the action piece.....when to put action into play with those powerless themes, that come to find us and when to sit back and let it be.....and it is a fine line.....and each time it comes up- the choice to fight against something, or attempt to control the uncontrollable that piece speaks to me.....and I get quiet and listen to my gut, to my intuition and let it lead.....trusting it implicitly......Gabe came home sick yesterday from his dad's house.....wanting to be home with his mama, and I am so sorry for him.....he has been struggling with going to his dad's house in general....not because he doesn't want to see his dad....but he just prefers to be in his own house doing the things he loves, and I think he feels that some when he is there.....and I have been trying to encourage him, because I want him to see his dad too when he is able.....but all of it isn't I am debating if a trip to urgent care is in order today or tomorrow....lots of congestion we shall see....but surrender is the line we walk between the waiting for it all to unfold, and taking the inspired action we need to move our life forward in the ways we need to or address things we need to.....a delicate dance.....and each time the idea of surrender surfaces for me, and comes into focus it comes bearing a deeper piece and understanding.....and I have mentioned that it can be perceived as a weak waving the white flag....but it really isn' is just the awareness that whether we like it or not, there are a lot of things in this life that we cannot change......things we cannot control.....things that make us sad....things that make us angry.....things that hurt us.....all of it....and when it is necessary to fight..... we not misunderstand....there is indeed a time to stand your ground.......but many things do not need our resistance.....they just don' is our ego that those things summon......and most of the time those things need our acceptance....and I personally have some big themed stuff in my own life at the moment that is challenging my ability to surrender......and I am working on it......Digging deeper into my intuitive self, and seeing what answers or action is found there.....resisting fighting against it all, but instead problem solving it.....deciding what I can live with and what I cannot.....what action needs to step forward, and what part needs to lean back and trust.....and through all of it, I am hanging onto my peace and light, that I worked so hard to find.....not allowing these big things to snuf it out.....knowing that I have power in that matter what comes to find me.......and above all else trusting that I will be led to make the decisions I need to to navigate it all.....each day.....deeply breathing......and then exhaling:) Happy Sunday y'all! Enjoy the day:)

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