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Sunshine shines in the darkest of places always......we just have to look for it and follow the sun......and placing boundaries around the darkness that finds us in this life....I am intentionally filling this weekend with sunshine......I spoke with some friends yesterday.....and I visited with a friend last night and will be this morning......running some fun errands and then going out with some new girlfriends I have made tonight for Halloween! Then when my kids come back tomorrow we will be going to a Halloween party......and we most definitely need to seek the sunshine stuff and give ourselves respite from the rain.......and I am getting better at recognizing what my soul needs at any given point and giving that thing to it......Tuesday night I wrap up my women's series.....and I am so proud of that.......proud that I got people to believe in me and join me on the journey......that they understood my heart......found value in the space I held and created.....and I am seeking feedback from them and letting that craft my future vision for my coaching, and help me figure out where I go next in it all.......what we focus on grows, it really is that simple, and consistency is what reigns every single day.....and I am being mindful of what I am growing in my life.....allowing in my life.......keeping in my life.....wanting in my life......sorting through it all......I think about the fact that I am coming up on 2 years alone.....and it seems like it went so quickly......yet my old life seems so so far a dream........the kind of dream where you wake up and have vague flashbacks......flickering in your mind......but cannot quite collect the whole picture.......and some days when I think of it, it truly seems like a lifetime ago.......but time marches on......and so does life.......and all we have is today and the sunshine that shines on us in moments of darkness......However in my realization of the old life vs the new, there is never one moment that I am not so grateful for all the protection and intuitive guidance I have received as I have walked this path......believing in it and where I was being led when others didn't......and having the strength to still believe......and grateful for the support of some of the people in my life to cheer my journey on and really get it......getting me and the new Jenn as much as they got the old one.......when I think of how many ways the end of marriage could have gone in the aftermath......I would choose this one again and again.....I have felt very guided and protected.....and have learned to look for the sun.....even on cloudy days......especially then.........and will continue to do that every single day.....

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