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I have learned and thought a lot about suffering since all this began.....and have sought to remove myself from as much suffering as I can......because I have learned......and most of us don't want to hear it......and I didn't either.......but suffering, most of the time is I do not discount tragedy, trauma, and loss, and the feelings that must take place upon impact, and as the situation takes hold.....we all suffer......that is true.......none of us escape it in this life...... what I mean by the optional part, is that I have come to learn that we cause a lot of our own suffering......placing expectations on a situation, and when it doesn't meet those expectations, we suffer.......or signing up for additional suffering that we don't need to......I have written about my challenges in my divorce, and the situations that arise with my children and all of it.....but I make a conscious choice.....some days I am more successful than others....but each day I try and not let it infiltrate any more of my life than it needs to......because the truth is, I could have let this situation ruin my life, and continue to let it.....and I refuse.....absolutely refuse.....I spent a good portion of my life, subject to allowing stuff to take over, and create anxiety, unrest, and suffering.....and I just won't now......our lives are precious......and hardship and heartache is a part of the deal.....human condition and all;-) so I seek daily to find a healthy way to cope with what I need to, and duck out of anything I don't need to be a part of......stuff that doesn't require my attention and presence the Facetimes.....I only listened once that very first time.....and knew if I continued to, it would do nothing but cause I removed suffering has become a barometer for me.....if I begin to feel it wash over me.......I ask myself what my part is in it all? Can I remove myself or my attention from something that is making me suffer????.....and normally the answer is yes......I think much suffering derives from us wanting something to be a certain way......instead of accepting the way it is......and then surrendering and letting go accordingly......releasing our grip......and it is not easy....I continue to need to work to do learn where my power lies......and learn that I hold the key to all of that.....I get to say the amount of joy I have in my life......the amount of satisfaction.........the amount of peace.......I get to.......nobody else......I don't assign any of those things to another person or situation......I never think anymore "well when this happens" "or if I could only" "or if I could just" then I would..........fill in the blank........nope that is a is happening NOW.......right NOW......and we need not wait until..........we need to grab hold of now and run for the fence......making our life what we want it to be.......because suffering will come....some we can't help......some we can......but all of it can be subject to our say......and our choices......suffering is a condition of the mind......harnessing the power in our mind.....and using it for good, is where the shift and magic can happen......flipping a situation on its head....and flipping the script.......rewriting it......and I know I needed this reminder this morning.......I hope somebody else did too:) Happy Saturday:)

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