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Such a POWERFUL experience last night......

Last night I had the distinct pleasure of meeting some new women and sharing our stories......and getting Reiki done........I met the woman that invited me at the women's night where I had spoken......lots of things could have prevented that meeting from happening......the weather that night was questionable at best.....icing etc....and she remarked that she almost didn't come......but she did......and after hearing me do my speech she said she was drawn to meeting me and wanting to become friends........even coming up to me that night and giving me a hug......I had since friend requested her and found her in another group we are both in, being drawn to her, not realizing it was her, and here we are......she is looking to create a tribe of women that support each other, lift each other up, and are of like minds in many ways.....what a noble endeavor....I would say that we all were last night.....but here's the thing.....all of us were very different....yet we all carried commonality that was able to help us connect and bond last makes me think and realize we are all much more the same than we are different, if we just allow ourselves to be open......I had never gotten Reiki done......or knew too much about it.......we talked about it with the practitioner........and she explained about trauma and how it addresses it.......and we all shared some of our stories and trauma and it was so we got to sit around a bonfire.....which was lovely.....all of the set up was so nice.......and we began by doing a guided meditation with her......and then she began to perform the reiki on each woman as the rest of us stayed in meditation.......when she got to me, she stood behind and above me for a few moments.....and then we talked about what the energy felt like in my heart and belly and she placed my hands on both and her hands in front of me.......and we talked about how it felt, what color I would say it is.....and what peace would look that energy.....and then she asked me what I was holding onto........and I said forgiveness.....of him........and I had this huge bubble of emotion inside of me burst......and I began to cry.....and so she had me imagine him standing in front of me........and putting my arms around him and his saying I'm sorry and me forgiving him.......I said it out loud to him and imagined all of that......and it is hard to articulate how intense and powerful that was for me.........I cried from one of my deepest places through the entire imagery........and then was able to release it.......and she brought it full circle.......and just as quickly as the tears came they subsided.......and then I just felt so light.......even lighter than I normally something really left........and it was so so incredible..........a really legitimate healing experience happened......and I truly believe I got to release one more piece of pain.......just like I have the rest.......through my blog, through therapy, through facing it over and over......shedding it as I go......all of the women last night got to experience the gift of healing......and it was magical......we all decided to be vulnerable with one another.....and take our healing seriously.......this is what needs to happen......we need to be putting things like this in place......healing is so crucial to well being.......and all of us carry pain.......a story.....something that needs some is the tie that binds us all......and we must never forget that.......what everybody carries in their day to day.....and tread gently in each other's lives.......always

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