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Stepping into your power...........

I think for a long time now I have felt pretty powerful in my own life........I trust instincts, my strength, my ability to handle whatever comes my way. I don't feel weak very often in any place in my life......have always felt blessed by that....... I have not doubted my power in my own life for quite a long time now......I believe I have the ability to make my life what I want it to feels good to feel like you have power in your own life, and driving your bus is within your skill set......that you have the grit and determination to live the life of your dreams......that it is within your reach..........these days though I feel like I have truly stepped into the full power within me, like maybe all of it.......or maybe there is more not sure lol:) I am not sure I have ever felt more powerful in my whole life, in terms of what I can provide for myself and my kids by the choices I make and the decisions I choose.......I am being intentional about being 100 percent true to myself, my soul, all of it, every single minute.......and making no apologies for any of it......not doubting myself........just taking the next step with confidence and peace in my heart........have to say it feels freaking amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Like beyond amazing! The Jenn he left on that Thursday night was a tough question.........she had seen her fair share of trouble, trials, and tribulations..........she had a strength within her that drove her day to day, and helped her survive all that had come to find her up until that night.........she had weathered it all with courage and strength, and never had any quit in her, no matter how rough the ride got........but part of her died that night and in her rebirth a new Jenn emerged........and her power grew as she was born again..........and this woman is way more comfortable in her skin and her mind than that one was......she is much more self assured, not subject to the opinions or the thoughts of others, she is much stronger because she is feeding her strength by doing the things in her life that she loves fiercely.......she is building her strength reserves each day by loving herself and putting fuel in her tank each and every day.......and in turn her power is growing.......she relies on her intuition and her strong faith in all things unseen to guide her in her day to day.......she feels as if maybe for the first time in her life she is carving out a spot for her in this world that will leave a legacy behind......that this story that she decided to be brave and share will somehow matter when it is all said and done......that it will touch other people's lives......that it already has from the messages she receives.......all those messages touching her heart deeply.......and maybe this story will be the most important one for her to share in her entire life.........she feels very much that underneath the power she is feeling that there is a simmering happening.......a simmering of something way bigger than her.......a mission for her to complete as she travels.......some important work to be is work that remains to be seen but it is there........she can feel it.........and she is so ready.........ready to follow what is meant for her.......with her whole heart........with her power guiding her down the road that was always meant for her.......always..........I believe power, true power lies within all of us.......the magic happens when we can find a way to tap into its full potential.........magic:)

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