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Spiritual energy..............

One of the most amazing things that has happened in all of this is the amount of energy I feel in a given feels boundless until about 9 at night or sometimes a little earlier;-) But I begin my days at 4:30 so I guess it is still pretty substantial! The energy that has found me seems to just run through all of me......fuel me to do whatever I have planned for the day and beyond....and I kept wondering where it had come from.....and had talked with some other women in my situation, and they have experienced the same finally the other night I was reading my "Untethered Soul" book and it had a chapter devoted to this exact thing, it is a thing LOL:) The author described it as tapping into our spiritual energy.....and that the well is endless in terms of what is found there!!!!!!!.......and the way you are able to tap into it is by remaining open......remaining willing to experience what is happening in your life fully and honestly, and not closing yourself off in any way to what that is.......when something happens to us we ball ourselves up......put up defenses......want to protect ourselves.....close ourselves off.........but if we can let negative energy roll in......or let it come to find us......and not let it get in or take us over and remain open and let go.......we can tap into our spiritual energy......and it can last forever and bring all sorts of great gifts with it and healing benefits......I was so excited to see the phenomenon being described......and that it wasn't in my head....and to learn more about helping it stay around.....because it is one of the best feel all this energy run through me......helping me my whole life......get my kids going each day.......and even some energy left for me at the end of the day....and in the early mornings......all such gifts........I am not giving it back! :) I am going to keep doing what I am doing.......remaining open.....letting the ugly stuff go that comes to find me in this journey.......not giving it any air time.....feeling it......acknowledging i........... and releasing is funny too.....the book I am reading had been given to me from a friend......a few months ago......and it was in a shopping bag and I must have stuck it on the floor in the backseat of my of the kids must have scooted it under the seat.......and the other day I was cleaning out my car and there it was......perfect timing........right on is such a good read......lots of nuggets of goodness in I am going to continue to be SO grateful that spiritual energy came to find me in this life......and continue to enjoy all that energy coursing through me to get life done:) And if you are reading this.....and curious.....I would highly recommend pursuing it and finding yours! It lies within all of us:) GO GET IT:) It is really me:)

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