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Spiritual breadcrumbs.......and lighted stones

I have said it before......and I mean it with all of my heart.......this entire situation has SET me on a path in my life......a different one than I had been previously walking in every way.....and it has felt many times that breadcrumbs appear......and lighted stones......helping me follow them to the places I need to be......the places meant for me......the places where I belong.....and there have been some new opportunities that have stepped forward......a podcast I will be a part of on the 27th.....showcasing "life curious women" and it stepped into my path organically and felt like I should seize it......I am so excited for the experience of ti all! Podcasts interest me so much, and may be in the future for me as well:-) .....that plan is in the works, spreading my wings and branching out.......and there are a few other things that I am contemplating at the moment to get me to where I need to be in my business and with my goals.......hatching another women's series in the NEW year:) a new year, new you kinda vibe.....which I absolutely know I can help people whatever capacity they wish:) so there are many lighted stones surrounding me right now......becoming brighter in their intensity.....calling to me and leading me to the places I can go.......I feel like this third year on my own will be a big 2023 holds some sort of extra promise for me.....that the last two years have laid the groundwork for the places I am going in the upcoming feels intuitively so, and I am EXCITED......and ready for what is next........and the secret sauce is always consistency.....add consistency and focus to something and forget has no choice but to be yours.......and the consistency in business building has taken a back seat to life stuff as of late.....and sick kids and holidays etc.....but I am hatching a plan to refocus my efforts as soon as the holiday begins to ebb into the NEW year.......and go after it all with that consistency and intention.........and I don't care how cheesy it can seem to believe in the hope of a new year, I believe there much as I get excited about a new school year......something about a clean slate......and a start line......that makes those goals and dreams take more this new year holds a lot of plans and goals for me......and a goal without a plan is just a wish right;-) so to make those dreams happen I need to make some serious moves and go after it all with much more intention, focus, and energy and consistency......and I plan on doing all of that and more! I can't wait to see where the journey takes me in this upcoming year, and I am faithfully following the crumbs and stones every step of the way!

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