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Speaking my truth today.......

Today I will be given another opportunity to speak my truth.....I will be livestreamed on a summit, on FB and I get to tell my story again.....I was given that opportunity on that women's night that I did two years ago, and through my blog, and during my women's series and coaching....and speaking your truth is a powerful thing.....I spent much of my life not fully owning or speaking my truth.....stifled by secrecy, shame, or worrying what others will think....and feeling like I wasn't allowed to share, so many things.....but those are the things that keep us stuck and unhealthy......hiding in the shadows of our lives, fearful of letting our lives see the light of day.....and I realize the level of sharing and honesty I have now adopted is not for everybody.....and may not even be right for everybody, but for me it has absolutely changed my life to own my story, and speak my truth from nearly day 1 of this journey.....knowing that that is where my power and healing lied.....and even if somebody doesn't want to share out loud through a platform....I do think it is important that everybody finds a safe space to speak their truth......a safe haven to say the feel the hear their truth echo out into the world.....not just bang around inside their head and heart.....that is why I believe that therapy is so powerful too.......allowing us to hear ourselves.....the deep selves.....the ones that get hidden beneath the day to day demands that find us blog serves that purpose for me too, allowing me to hear myself as the words spill out onto the keyboard......and for me the recipe is standing up and speaking my truth loud and clear......and the truth is as transparent as I have been....there are still truths that I have put away in this story some.....for many reasons....and as I walk this journey, I will know when and where it is appropriate to speak those too beyond my friends and the people in my life.....but I am pretty proud of all the truth I have spoken and owned.....considering that was never me for so very long.....half of my life.....keeping quiet and shouldering it all, in the name of making others feel more comfortable or safe......drowning quietly, while the world spun around me.....and it came from a good place in me, the need to protect desire to protect others.....but in all of it I wasn't honoring myself, or protecting me.....or thinking of me much at that way of living is no more, gone for good.....and now I stand in as much truth as I can and not flinch.....owning my story....the good, the bad, the sad, and the ugly.....and today I get 15 minutes to tell it......and I am praying for the right words.....the right parts of my story to see the light of tell a clear and coherent story of a normal mom that has done her best to move past a situation that nearly destroyed her.....a woman that wants other women to know that anything is possible.....and that the end of something can be the beginning of something else....and that magic lives in this world, you just have to look for it;-) I am wildly excited and honored to be able to do this today! I will be speaking at 3:17 today, I know weird time:) I have to get my little tech stuff set up, and figure out where I am doing it. I am grateful to be making more moves toward the life of my dreams and expanding my mission! I say it often and believe it deeply, but I am a blessed woman indeed, and none of those blessings are ever lost on me, not ever:) YAY!!!!:)

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