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Soulful Sunday..........

Do you listen to your soul? I mean really should ask yourself and see what comes up for you? I know for many years I wasn't as conscious of what my soul needed versus what my mind told me, or my brain, and the incessant chatter that was found there.....and sometimes can be still;-).......we listen to our hearts often enough.....when we find love......or when we are touched by the magic of love in our everyday lives......the love of a family member, a friend, a child, a pet.......a piece of music......a book.....something that makes us keenly aware of that organ that beats away in our chest.......but our soul.......well that is another matter gets busy and takes over and drowns out the needs and desires of our souls......but we all really are souls......inhabiting a body.....and sometimes I think it would be so interesting to shed our bodies and see each other's souls.....walk around donning our soul proudly for the world to can tell the people in your life that would have souls that radiate.......light filled, sparkling, gorgeous ones.......or the people in your life that may have sad ones......or heavy ones.....angry ones, broken ones......but I still think the essence of us all is found there and we would learn a lot about people by seeing their soul- with everything else stripped away.......a notion I find interesting.....I think we catch a glimpse of another's soul when we look into their eyes......the window to the soul indeed......I believe that to be true.......seeing light come on in a person's eyes......or seeing it go out.......based on the choices they make in their day to day....I have seen both happen in my lifetime........and maybe the quality of our souls change and evolve occurred to me as I typed that last our souls can be different and look different too as our life's journey evolves.......that we have the power to illuminate our souls no matter the path that has been set before us, if we choose to do so.......but there has been no question about it, for me.......that in the last two years I have been able to hear my soul.....its desires......its messages.....its needs.....its purpose......all of it......because I guess in the free fall after my marriage ended, all the noise ceased......just a deafening overpowering.........and I turned on the music to fill some of that.....but in that space.......that void......I started to hear things I hadn't been able to before.....things that had been covered up as I was running on fumes, autopilot, and survival mode.....things that had been needing to be heard for a long I began to listen.....and the magic that can be found there is something.......I urge you.....if you are reading meditate.....or get really still and listen to the desires of your soul......practice following your soul's guidance above the rest......out of your head some and into the essence of who you are:) You may be surprised where it will lead, pleasantly so! Happy Sunday y'all.......... Nurture your soul today, give it space, room to breathe..... and audience to be heard today! Have a great day:)

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