I wrote about adjusting my sails yesterday.....and working toward individual coaching more than group.....and I picked up a client yesterday and there it is....sometimes you just have to ask out loud for what you want, or what you need, and there it is.....and what's more is that I received a message from somebody I went to high school with....and it was a beautiful message.....sharing with me about how great she thinks it is that I am rising above my circumstance, and helping others do the same....and sharing that her mom was in my spot and had dated a lot, causing issues for her, and she admires that I do it on my own and put my children first.....and other sweet sentiment.......and it was just such a beautiful message....and while it was so nice to hear all that she wrote, the message did more than just flatter me.....it was more confirmation to KEEP GOING:) Stoking that fire in me, the one that has been keeping me going this whole time....through all of the trials and setbacks, through it all....a timely gift given to me, one that helped me not feel discouraged as I was adjusting my sails....one that spoke to me as a sign among the rest that I am supposed to be right here....doing exactly this....and that it matters....and she didn't know that her message was timely....but the universe and God did:) A timely whisper to my soul.....to encourage me......so I am putting intention in the places I want to be......where intention goes stuff grows......no question.....where we place our energy matters.....so grabbing a client and having that message was just the boost I needed alongside my mindset shift, to kick into gear in a new way! I also felt some heavier energy clear out yesterday.....alleviating some stuff....I felt lighter yesterday than I have in a bit and felt the shift....I have been riding intense energy for a long time in my life and my experience, and have become in tune with how all the energy out there affects my own.....and yesterday felt better for sure....I also had a few brainstorms hit me during my workout yesterday morning too....I always come up with my best ideas during that time.....I think because my mind is still some, and focused, and I am out of the thinking part and more in the intuitive part and feeling part of me.....so I am trusting timing.....trusting my ability to manifest what I want as I bring my intention to the table in a more intentional way.....and trusting the cosmic breadcrumbs that keep appearing.....showing me that I am on the right path as I step out in faith each and every day:)