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Sometimes with a red bow!

My knee is on the mend.....feels much better this morning....committed to being patient some as it heals ;-) Stubborn indeed I am- that Taurean bull and all.....but it serves me well sometimes under the right circumstance, blessings and curses right??? lol:) When you begin to pay attention to the synchronicities around you......more show up.....I wrote a bit ago about my single mama friend and her daughter that lived with us for a bit.....they now have their own place and are doing great! I am so happy for them and it has been my pleasure to watch their journeys unfold.......However she picks up my Mads for me every day and is here when I get home from work, so they have been able to remain a big part of our lives......and it is really hard to convey in words how easy the relationship is that we all effortless....her friendship has been something that I didn't even know I needed:) Just a ride or die person to step forward and be there in my day to small ways and big ways.....our personalities jive easily.....and we finish each other's we have known each other forever.......and our girls adore each other, and Gabe loves them too! Gabe had a track meet Friday night so the four of us went to dinner while I was waiting to pick him up, and Kendall and I realized we both have a Leo moon in our astrological chart.......confirming the vibe we share in the stars lol:) She is thoughtful in the ways that I am.....pours the way I pour.......and it made me think this morning about it......I leave most days in a hurry and don't empty my coffee pot. And since she has been coming here, when I go to make coffee in the morning, my coffee pot is in the dish drainer ready to go.....and it is such a simple gesture, but so very thoughtful.....and makes me smile every have a great friend in this life is such a gift.....people that get you, and people that you get......and I have been so blessed that whole life really......always having great friends! I may have some challenges in love;-) but not in my friendships......and the Universe and God delivers up these gifts of people in our lives with a red bow, offering us gifts when we need it the most......having Kendall and Aubrey around is so nice to our flow......and such a gift in all of our lives......our symbiotic relationship is perfectly even.....the things I do for her and and the things she does for me.....and nobody is keeping score:) That is the beautiful part.......Just showing up and trying to make each other's lives easier somehow.....any way.......knowing that the journey of single motherhood we are on ain't easy.....and if we can lighten the load of the other.......well then we are here for it.......and since I am paying attention now to all of it......the timing of her entrance in my life was exactly when it was supposed to happen.....for both of I share this, just to share my gratitude for the friendship I share with her and so many others......knowing that I am never alone......and that I have friends out there willing to go the distance for me.....and I for them:) I am a blessed woman, always.....bum knee and all;-)

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