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Sometimes it just is.....

I have talked many times about surrender being a lesson in this story.....the idea of looking at something, and knowing I can't change it.....or fix it......or any of the rest....and it has required my acceptance of it....and I have had a recurring situation in my story that I have fought against a bunch......but really leaning back, and accepting it is the way.....sometimes we cannot help the stories we find ourselves in.....I believe that.....and I don't say that in a way that diminishes our free will, or our freedom to create the life we want.....not at all....but I no longer believe in coincidence or in things just happening.....and when something is destined to be a part of your story or step amount of herculean fighting will make it go the only accept.....and to follow your intuition through it.......and I have mentioned the divine symphony that I have come to discover.....the instruments coming forward and making their beautiful music heard.....and we never want the parts where we hear a cacophony in our symphony......I remember learning that word and loving it.....harsh discord, clashing of sounds .....but those are the parts where life is upside down....and maybe loud.....and a little off key, and harsh.....but when the symphony is playing beautifully it feels really good....I feel like that some about life these days.....things seem to be falling into place so beautifully.....and I am so grateful.....and thrilled......and there are seeds of change on the horizon in so many ways for me.....and I am riding the wave......because I know this part of the ride doesn't last forever.....and inevitably stuff steps forward to face and overcome....and I no longer acknowledge that in a way that is "waiting for the other shoe to drop" ......holding a pessimistic tone......I say a realistic an aware way, knowing that we need to soak up, and maximize those moments where we are riding high.....and make more decisions and effort into the things we want....our mindset, all of it can help us ride through the cacophony part of our symphony, if it comes;-) the clashing of sounds......and even then....even then......beautiful music is being made.....because out of those parts......comes the beauty of the other parts....we are created in those clashing of cymbals parts and yeah......sometimes stuff just is.....and our radical acceptance of a part of it.....just surrendering to the stories we find ourselves in, and walking in them as true to ourselves as we can be.....each and every day! Deciding what we need to walk away from and what we need to walk through........Have a good one:)

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