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Sometimes it just IS.......

Alongside the challenges that come with being divorced and the issues that arise, there has been another complicated situation in my life as that is upsetting and difficult to believe.....and it is the lessons that I have learned in the aftermath of my divorce, that affords me the ability to have, and feel peace in the midst of it all.....and learning to live alongside this situation, and accept that the people involved are on their own journeys too....and while I do not understand their perspective.....and cannot see a solution in sight.....I need to trust that their journey is their own and then adjust and act accordingly.....and I suppose that this lesson may be the greatest one I have learned.....that my peace is not subject to the actions of others.....that I get to remain happy and peaceful even if something terrible is going on in the background.....and that I don't need to allow it to destroy my life or me.....I can sort of sit back and observe it, and get clear on what my role needs to be, and then let go of the is doubly hard because it is also a situation that challenges and hurts people I love very much....and I don't want them to hurt about it .....but unfortunately I cannot do anything about that either.....have learned that too....sometimes in life stuff just happens.....and it just IS.....and there is no real rhyme or reason......or even anything that makes sense in a real way....and you have to embrace the situation as it its troubling strangeness.....and just stand in your own truth and authenticity, and stand for what is right and true......and find a way to accept those things you cannot change......and move on.......the Serenity Prayer is a thing for a reason......and sometimes that is not easy to just isn't........but it is all there is unless you want your life to be subject to all that comes to find you......I am reminded in my new life how precious life is.....and how much of my old life I allowed to be contaminated and taken from me......and I just won't do that again....not for anybody.....not ever again.......I am here to live the rest of my life with purpose and out loud....and with joy and peace in my heart.....and anything that comes to try and rob that has to go.....especially if it comes in a spirit of harm......and I suppose to be free and remain free....we have to be willing to do not let anybody have that much power over matter today I choose light, love, peace, and joy......and then I choose all those things again tomorrow, and the next day.....and the one after that.....despite what others are choosing......

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