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Sometimes it is this.........

The kids are with their dad........I had some cool plans I had thought of but then backed up.....because sometimes, these days I need some time on my own, to recharge and reboot....this week was an intense one, for many reasons......and I think this weekend is better spent catching up on inside and outside chores......some cleaning and mowing.....and putting some deck stuff away.......all the stuff that isn't fun, but needs to be done:) there is a sunset hike tonight locally that I may check out if the mood strikes......but I think that spending some time taking care of some things I need to, and getting myself organized for the next week ahead is that is the plan......I am lucky that the mood of doing so also coincided with the timing of being able to lol:) and I also feel like this weekend is about protecting my energy some.......not letting some stuff get in......I was talking at work to somebody about that......we are all quick to get caught up in other people's energy......other people's storms......other people's chaos and bad feelings......particularly in a work environment I guess, but we need to be really mindful of protecting that is not up for grabs......and I think we forget that we have a say......I used to not have many boundaries up at all.....just roll with the day, being subject to everybody's stuff around me.....and I am sensitive to in a other people.......all of it was particularly challenging for me to not get swept up......and I often did in my once upon time life......particularly in his energy......allowing him to the be the tail that wagged our dog.....and adjusting my energy around his.......and it was exhausting sometimes and I have made the conscious choice these days to not be subject to those things anymore......if I can help it......I try not to participate in complaining sessions with no solutions.......or vent when it is not necessary......what we focus on and talk about grows.......that is the I am trying to speak life into what I want to take flight:) SO for today it is diving into chores.......and taking care of some stuff that needs to be taken care of......I will enjoy the fall scenery as I do just that.......a fire in my fireplace later......maybe that sunset hike........and life is good:)

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